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Rheology of marine sponges reveals anisotropic mechanics and tuned dynamics

Emile A. Kraus

Emile A. Kraus

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

[email protected]

Contribution: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Software, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing

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Lauren E. Mellenthin

Lauren E. Mellenthin

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

Contribution: Methodology, Validation, Visualization, Writing – review & editing

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Sara A. Siwiecki

Sara A. Siwiecki

Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

Contribution: Validation, Visualization, Writing – review & editing

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Dawei Song

Dawei Song

Institute for Medicine and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Department of Physiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Contribution: Validation, Writing – review & editing

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Jing Yan

Jing Yan

Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

Quantitative Biology Institute, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

Contribution: Resources, Validation

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Paul A. Janmey

Paul A. Janmey

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Institute for Medicine and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Department of Physiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Contribution: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Supervision, Validation, Writing – review & editing

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Alison M. Sweeney

Alison M. Sweeney

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

Quantitative Biology Institute, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

Department of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

Contribution: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Supervision, Validation, Writing – review & editing

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    Sponges are animals that inhabit many aquatic environments while filtering small particles and ejecting metabolic wastes. They are composed of cells in a bulk extracellular matrix, often with an embedded scaffolding of stiff, siliceous spicules. We hypothesize that the mechanical response of this heterogeneous tissue to hydrodynamic flow influences cell proliferation in a manner that generates the body of a sponge. Towards a more complete picture of the emergence of sponge morphology, we dissected a set of species and subjected discs of living tissue to physiological shear and uniaxial deformations on a rheometer. Various species exhibited rheological properties such as anisotropic elasticity, shear softening and compression stiffening, negative normal stress, and non-monotonic dissipation as a function of both shear strain and frequency. Erect sponges possessed aligned, spicule-reinforced fibres which endowed three times greater stiffness axially compared with orthogonally. By contrast, tissue taken from shorter sponges was more isotropic but time-dependent, suggesting higher flow sensitivity in these compared with erect forms. We explore ecological and physiological implications of our results and speculate about flow-induced mechanical signalling in sponge cells.

    1. Introduction

    Sponges, animals that branched near the root of the metazoan tree [1,2], are a successful and unique phylum despite perceived simplicity since they have no muscles or nerves [3,4]. The extracellular part of their bodies is a highly efficient fluid transport system made of diverse collagen-like proteins (spongins) and stiff organomineral inclusions called spicules [5]. Inner chambers of sponge tissue are lined with flagellated collar cells whose waving flagella draw ambient water in through small surface pores (ostia) on the sponge body. The water travels through narrowing canals, is filtered of dissolved nutrients, and then leaves through widening canals until exiting from larger, apical holes (oscula). Famously, sponges vary vastly in size and shape, appearing in almost all aquatic niches and flow regimes as globs, cups, vases, carpets, fans, barrels, spheres, fingers and tall trees. How they grow and sustain bodies presumably optimized for transport of matter in these various niches is not fully understood, and thus physical characterization of their tissue is necessary.

    Like snowflakes, no two sponges are exactly alike, and this dizzying diversity likely arises from interactions among an individual’s tissue mechanical properties, the hydrodynamics of its environment, and mechanical signalling of its cells. Early spongiologists knew that sponges of smaller diameter piping generate larger pump pressures which send filtered water further [6]. This lowers the probability of water recirculation but increases the frictional cost of transport through the sponge [7]. G.P. Bidder in particular, documented that thin-tissued, deep-sea glass varieties of sponge would have lower internal pressure than their denser, shallow-water cousins [6,7]. The tissue elasticity of these dense sponges counteracts ambient pressure and flow-induced stresses in mechanical equilibrium. However, no explicit measure of these elastic properties across sponge groups has yet been made.

    An ecological study of the encrusting sponge H. panicea placed its tissue stiffness (elasticity) between 200 and 600 kPa, and proportional to wave-induced stresses up to 10 kPa [8]. Steady, flow-induced forces like drag and lift impart highly morphology-dependent stresses on the bodies of sessile aquatic animals. However, sponges of different body forms are often found next to each other (electronic supplementary material, figure S5), such that there is not a simple form versus ambient flow relationship in these animals. Tissue mechanical properties, then, must also be tuned by evolution and development in specific sponges. Other invertebrates with fixed body forms and static mechanical properties such as mussels, urchins and limpets have a strict upper limit on their size in fast and accelerating (i.e. time-dependent) flows [9]. It is less clear what mechanical constraints apply to sponges, given their asymmetrical body plan and lack of internal organs, or whether there are aspects of sponge tissue that enable mechanical responsiveness to environmental flow.

    Monactine sponge spicules are known to have extreme resistance to buckling failure under compression [10], but it is not understood how their arrangement within a cellular and fibrous protein network contributes to the mechanical whole of sponge tissue. Gelatin hydrogels embedded with spicules have stiffnesses proportional to the volume fraction of these stiff inclusions, as well as strain-softening dynamics [11], but do not contain sponge cells capable of creating internal strain or otherwise affecting tissue rheology.

    We thus take a holistic approach by performing rheology on living tissue from several common sponge species. We applied small to moderate strains over a frequency range salient to the properties of environmental flows and stresses. The mechanical and dynamical (i.e. time-dependent) properties of sponge tissue measured in this way correlate to their growth morphologies and skeletal structures. We speculate that the stiff skeleton and its coupling to living sponge cells generate mechanical cues that in turn influence cell proliferation, just as extracellular matrix mechanics modulate many cell physiological processes in mammalian tissues [12,13]. The sponge rheologies presented showcase tissue mechanical diversity, and in some species, rich nonlinear viscoelasticity at relatively small strains compared with in vitro and mammalian systems.

    2. Material and methods

    2.1. Animal care and sample preparation

    Sponges were procured from Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratories (Panacea, FL, USA) and acclimated slowly to a large, 1 m depth (electronic supplementary material, S4) laboratory saltwater aquarium (T = 20°C, salinity 36 g kg−1). We chose individuals with open oscula and bright tissue for preparing samples, as these characteristics indicate good health. All sponges were used within a span of several weeks and any exposure to air was minimized. We used a kitchen sponge (Medium Duty, Scotch–Brite) to determine whether living sponge rheology was distinct from that of a synthetic porous material. For branching and erect species of sponge, tissue cuts parallel to their substrate attachment area were made with a razor blade, resulting in discs of thickness 2–4 mm with axial vectors n^1 parallel to y^ and perpendicular to ambient flow v as depicted in figure 1k. We also made cuts perpendicular to the substrate, so that these discs’ axial vectors n^2 were oriented along x^. In species where consistent samples could not be obtained in the above fashion due to tissue being too heterogeneous (Cliona celata), compressible (I. notabilis) or brittle (pith of Tethya sp.), a biopsy device was used to punch 12–14 mm diameter cylindrical cores which were then sliced into discs of thickness 2–4 mm. Discs from different cores were thus distinctly oriented at random with respect to ambient flow v, so we denote their axial vectors Inline Graphic, Inline Graphic and Inline Graphic.

    Figure 1.

    Figure 1. Sponges studied. (a) Aplysina fulva, (b) Cliona celata (gamma growth form [14]), (c) I. notabilis, (d) Callyspongia sp., (e) A. polycapella, (f) T. keyensis, (g) Tethya sp., (h) Cinachyrella apion. Images of representative sample discs for rheology are inset. (i) Diagram (original image courtesy of Symscape) of ambient flows: steady flow v (left) and boundary layer flow (right). (j) Key of sponges: squares have spicules, diamonds do not. (k) Schematic of sampling geometry in relation to v and subsequent drag FD on an example sponge. z^ points into the page.

    Sponges can be difficult to identify to species, and our experimental animals were obtained from a commercial supply source. All species sampled here were demosponges, and species identifications are provided to the best of our ability in working with this supply resource. In this instance, photographs of the individuals used and their spicules are included, and are the most information we have about exact species identity. Ultimately, the magnitude and quality of the differences between individuals and species are the most salient part of the present work.

    2.2. Rheology

    We mounted discs of live sponge tissue between parallel plates (12 mm diameter) on a rheometer (MCR 502 WESP, Anton Paar GmbH). A small amount of cyanoacrylate adhesive (Gorilla Super Glue Gel 7700104) was applied to both sides of the sample to maintain contact between it and the rheometer plates during deformation. We initialized contact with the plates by exerting a uniaxial stress σN ∼ 10 kPa, and the sample was then immediately rewetted with 1 ml of artificial seawater (figure 2a). We did not observe the living tissue react or degrade with the glue application, and the resulting film formed could be peeled off intact after the experiments. Therefore, the use of this adhesive does not seem to have altered any internal properties of the sponge tissue.

    Figure 2.

    Figure 2. Rheometry schematic. (a) Sample in the rheometer. (b) Parallel-plate geometry (radius a = 0.6 cm), used to impose oscillatory shear γ(t) and uniaxial strain ε.

    After relaxation of the loading stress, we applied sinusoidal shear strain

    where γ0 is the strain amplitude and ω is the angular frequency (speed) of oscillation (figure 2b). For small γ0 such that stress outputs are proportional to strain inputs, the shear stress in the sample τ(t) is a single sinusoid shifted by an amount δ:
    where τ0 is the shear stress amplitude. The dynamic storage and loss moduli, G′(ω) and G′′(ω), quantify elastically stored and viscously dissipated energy due to oscillatory shear and describe a sample’s viscoelastic response in the linear regime. We measured G′(ω), G′′(ω), and their ratio tan δ = G′′/G′ at 12 logarithmically spaced frequencies between 0.1π and 10π s−1 at γ0=0.05%. Ambient, free-stream flow v (figure 1i) in marine intertidal and subtidal environments where sponges are common typically ranges from 0.1 to 100 cm s−1 [8,9]. Since the maximum speed vθ of a disc-shaped sample subject to torsion is vθmax=ωa [15], where a is the disc radius, we chose these frequencies ω as they correspond to environmentally relevant flow speeds between 0.2 and 20 cm s−1.

    We interpreted the linear viscoelasticity of sponge tissue as characterized by our frequency sweep data using rheological circuit models. We considered the classical Maxwell, Kelvin–Voigt and Zener models, as well as a model with a fractional-order derivative element known as a spring-pot [16]. This fractional calculus-based model was formulated to capture precisely and without overfitting, the power-law viscoelasticity commonly seen in biological materials [16]. Fits were performed with the Julia (v. 1.5.3) package RHEOS, developed for robust optimization of linear viscoelastic data [17].

    After a frequency sweep, we subjected samples to steady uniaxial strain or large-amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS). We conducted LAOS on a subset of species by increasing shear strain γ0 in 12 logarithmic increments from 0.1 to 10% at ω = 4π s−1. To check for any pre-conditioning effects, we repeated this LAOS protocol after ten minutes of rest. We were unable to probe above γ0 = 10% in A. polycapella and C. celata and γ0 = 20% in Callyspongia sp., since the glue typically separated from the rheometer plates prior to any visible sample failure. Sponges in nature are not regularly observed to deform in ambient flow, so we considered γ0 = 20% a reasonable value to qualitatively capture strains that are not readily perceptible, and above which, strains are unlikely to be physiological.

    Within the nonlinear viscoelastic regime probed by LAOS experiments, higher harmonics of the driving (fundamental) frequency are excited in a material’s mechanical response. In other words, the stress output in the sample τ(t) is no longer a single sinusoid shifted in time from the input strain γ(t) but can be represented as a Fourier series taken over odd integer harmonics n due to the odd symmetry of shearing:

    where Gn(ω,γ0) and Gn(ω,γ0) are now a set of trigonometric Fourier coefficients. Material measures may also be extracted from parametric plots of τ(t) versus γ(t), or elastic Lissajous–Bowditch (L-B) curves [18]. For amplitudes γ0 within the linear regime, L-B curves are ellipses and G′(ω) and G′′(ω) are proportional to the semi-major and semi-minor axes [19]. In the nonlinear regime, L-B curves become bent shapes whose axes are no longer constant with respect to γ(t). This distortion of L-B curves is a geometrical signal that the linear moduli G′(ω) and G′′(ω) are insufficient to describe a sample’s viscoelastic nonlinearities [18].

    Here, we analyse the nonlinear τ(t) signal in sponges with the minimum strain GM(γ0) and maximum strain GL(γ0) elastic moduli because together they describe an L-B curve’s overall concavity and, moreover, are analytically related to Gn(ω,γ0) (electronic supplementary material, equation (S5)) [1820]. We compare GM(γ0) and GL(γ0) to each other at every γ0 (using the intracycle stiffening index S [18]) and also consider each as a function of γ0. We calculated these measures of elastic nonlinearity by fast Fourier transform methods on the time-resolved strain γ(t) and stress τ(t) signals at each amplitude as described in electronic supplementary material, §VB.

    Finally, on distinct samples not already subjected to LAOS, we applied steady uniaxial strain:

    where l is the deformed height of the sample controlled by changes in the rheometer gap, initially at height L. Compression or extension was applied in seven linearly spaced steps between 0% and ±12% (ε < 0 in compression and ε > 0 in extension). We calculated the uniaxial stress in a sample of radius a = 0.6 as
    where FN is the rheometer reported normal force exerted on the top plate. We superposed an oscillatory shear of γ0=0.05% and ω = π s−1 to measure the shear storage modulus G′ as a function of uniaxial strain ε. Since ε was constant within a step, we waited until σN and G′ relaxed to apply the next 2% gap change, averaging the last four time points of both to compute values for each ε. We calculated uniaxial moduli for distinctly oriented samples n^1 and n^2 in each species as the slope of linear fits to plots of uniaxial stress versus uniaxial strain, and denoted them E1 and E2. Comparing these as well as G′ measured at ε = 0 for each orientation, (G0)1 and (G0)2, allowed us to make general statements about mechanical symmetries in living sponges.

    2.3. Dissection microscopy

    After rheology, samples were removed from the rheometer, put back into artificial seawater, and allowed to rest. We blotted each of excess water, determined its wet mass mw, and in between four layers of paper towel applied firm pressure (σN ∼ 1 MPa), until water could no longer be drawn into fresh, layered paper towel. This method may not remove water bound tightly to protein, but provides an adequate estimate of the mass fraction of bulk water in the tissue ϕw=(mwmd)/mw, where md is the squeeze-dried mass of the disc.

    To characterize sponge skeletal architecture, we submerged individuals of each species in deionized (DI) water, causing cells to osmotically burst, and agitated gently in several washes of additional DI water to remove remaining cellular debris. Some of the species left behind stiff, fibrous skeletons after washing, while others fully disintegrated in this treatment. Intact skeletons were dried in air before being sampled into discs of distinct orientations n^1 and n^2 as in §2.1. We imaged these with a USB microscope (Dino-Lite AM4113T) and a stereomicroscope (Nikon SMZ800). We used the ImageJ (v. 1.53e) plugin FibrilTool to check for structural anisotropy in the skeletons at this mesoscopic scale (0.001–10 cm). FibrilTool uses a local nematic order tensor as a measure of average fibre orientation, and thus quantifies fibrillar anisotropy within a region of interest (ROI) [21]. We drew three ROIs in each image to determine whether fibre orientation depended on its position within an image or overall tissue disc orientation.

    To quantify spicule content in the sponges, we first made 5 mm diameter tissue cores with a biopsy device. Thin (approx. 2 mm) core slices were placed in individual wells of a 24-well culture plate with 1 ml of 6% bleach to dissolve all organic material including the protein skeleton while preserving any siliceous spicules (electronic supplementary material, figure S6). After dissolution of tissue, the supernatant was removed with care to leave settled spicules undisturbed. We then washed the spicules three times with 1 ml of DI water, allowing them to settle before removing the wash fluid and rinsing a final time with 95% ethanol. A few drops of well-mixed solution were drawn into clean, large-bore pipettes and held vertically for about 30 s to allow sedimentation. A single drop (approx. 0.05 ml) of this sedimented aliquot was then placed on a slide and examined by light microscopy. We used the multipoint tool in ImageJ to count all whole spicules in a field of view to estimate the number density of spicules in different species.

    3. Results

    3.1. Mechanics

    These eight species (figure 1) span six orders within the largest sponge class (Demospongiae) and display an array of growth forms [22,23]. In five of them, Aplysina fulva, Callyspongia sp., A. polycapella, T. keyensis and C. apion (figure 1a,d,e,f,h), we obtained samples perpendicular n^1, and parallel n^2, to the assumed substrate and ambient, free-stream flow v (figure 1i). Due to various features of their biology, the other three species (figure 1b,c,g) required a slightly different sampling strategy as follows. Cliona celata tissue was dense with embedded tracts of sand (electronic supplementary material, figure S4c), which resulted in randomly oriented samples Inline Graphic, Inline Graphic and so on. Igernella notabilis was comparatively homogeneous but soft and collapsible upon attempted slicing (electronic supplementary material, figure S4d), so we used any mechanically stable and geometrically suitable samples (figure 1c, inset) while making note of distinct orientations. Tethya sp. had a stiff cortex that overloaded the rheometer’s normal force transducer (FN > 50 N), barring us from rheology on the outer part of this sponge (electronic supplementary material, figure S4a). Its pith was softer but brittle with long and flexible spicules, resulting in randomly oriented samples for Tethya sp.

    Sampling geometries and uniaxial stress–strain curves in each species of sponge are shown in figure 3ah. We took slopes within the linear regime of each as an effective, uniaxial modulus E = σN/ε (figure 3i). The uniaxial mechanics of A. polycapella, C. apion, T. keyensis and Tethya sp. were highly dependent on sample orientation. Their tissue more strongly resisted compression along the n^1 than along the n^2 direction. Cliona celata curves, on the other hand, were independent of sample orientation but highly nonlinear, sharply plateauing in σN at ε = −6%. The ratio of uniaxial moduli measured along each direction, E1/E2, confirms the former sponges were about three times stiffer along n^1 compared with n^2 (figure 3i). By contrast, this ratio for Callyspongia sp., A. fulva and I. notabilis was much closer to one (E1/E2 = 1.3), a result suggesting the tissue of these three sponges contains at least one mechanically isotropic plane. The E1/E2 ratio in C. celata was equal to one, and therefore we conclude that this species was the most isotropic of those tested.

    Figure 3.

    Figure 3. Uniaxial stress–strain curves for distinct sample orientations n^1 and n^2 (filled and unfilled markers) in each sponge. Error bars are s.e. of N samples in (ac,e,g) while (d,f,h) have no error bars since in these species we compared pairwise, randomly oriented samples. (i) Uniaxial modulus E in MPa. (j) Ratio of E measured along each direction, E1/E2.

    The shear storage modulus G′ (measured at ω = π s−1 and γ0 = 0.05%) as a function of uniaxial strain ε is shown in figure 4. It increased with compression in C. apion, C. celata, T. keyensis and Tethya sp. Instead, in A. polycapella, Callyspongia sp., A. fulva and I. notabilis, G′ stiffened modestly in compression, and only after initially softening. Reconstituted networks of collagen and fibrin have also been shown to compression soften, while whole tissues made of these biopolymers plus cells, compression stiffen [24]. We found sponge tissue with living cells does both depending on the species. This suggests that the presence of deformable but volume-conserving cells [25] is not the biggest contributor to compression stiffening in sponges.

    Figure 4.

    Figure 4. (ah) Linear shear storage modulus G′ versus uniaxial strain ε. (i) G′ at ε = 0, G0.

    In figure 5, we compare sponge multiaxial mechanics with those of mammalian tissues. G′ as a function of compressive stress |σN| in brain [26], liver [27] and adipose [28] is approximately linear: G(σN)=m|σN|+G0 with slopes m ≤ 1 [29]. Sponges compression stiffen linearly as well, but with m > >1, and largest in C. celata (m = 60, zoomed inset). Cliona celata also displayed a sharp discontinuity at ε = −6%, where m goes to infinity and G′ increases to 9 MPa, more than four times its initial value at ε = 0%. By complete contrast, A. polycapella, Callyspongia sp., and the spicule-less sponges, change their G′ relatively little with |σN|, indicating low multiaxial responsivity.

    Figure 5.

    Figure 5. (a) G′ versus the magnitude of compressive stress |σN| in the sponges and mammalian brain, liver and adipose tissue [2628]. (b) Change in magnitude of G′ versus corresponding change in |σN|, both normalized by G0. (c) E versus G0 along each direction in the sponges and in the mammalian tissues. (d) E/G0 bar plot; the diagram adjacent depicts which uniaxial and shear moduli were measured in the rheometer based on the sampling geometry.

    In figure 5b, we normalize the change in G′ by G0, and see that under the significantly smaller strains we applied (ε = −12% versus ε = −40% in brain [26], for example), sponges overall accessed a larger scaled range of G′ for every scaled increment of |σN| than did any of the mammalian tissues. The slope produced by this approximately linear scaling also gives an estimate of the persistence length (bending rigidity [30,31]) of the biopolymers underlying these living tissues. We found the mammalian tissues at a scaling of about one (dotted line), and the sponges varied from one through five (a value typically used in silico and found in semi-flexible biopolymer gels [31]; dashed-dotted line) and upwards. This indicates a comparatively large range of bending rigidities in the spongins that make up the tissue of these species, given that larger slopes translate to smaller bending rigidities [31]. Overall, most of the sponges had larger slopes than one, and therefore spiculated spongins are more flexible than mammalian collagens but locally quite stiff. Taken together, these results suggest that spiculated spongins may be semi-flexible polymers.

    We compare E with G0 in the sponges and mammalian tissues in figure 5c. Material constants in sponges would be most accurately determined from constitutive models that include dissipation from both fluid flow within the pore space [32] and viscoelastic flow (§3.2) of the solid constituents of the spiculated spongins. Here, the diversity in the measured linear elastic constants E and G0 is sufficient for comparative biology among this set of sponges, and versus brain, liver and adipose tissue. Interestingly, E was larger than G0 in all of the mammalian tissues, while the opposite was true in most of the sponges (figure 5d). These data recapitulate that mammalian tissues are incompressible (like rubber, with Poisson’s ratio ν = 1/2 [27]), while the sponges approach what is expected for extremely compressible materials, ν = −1 [33]. Negative values of ν imply auxeticity, or the tendency to contract instead of bulge transversely when compressed, and ‘spongy’ materials like re-entrant polymer foams and many honeycomb structures are auxetic [34]. Through constraints associated with the stress and strain tensors of linear elastic orthotropic materials (electronic supplementary material, §IA), we found ν take on negative values in all of the sponges (electronic supplementary material, table S1), suggesting auxeticity is possible in Poriferan body tissue.

    3.2. Linear viscoelasticity

    The linear viscoelastic response of sponge tissue as a function of driving frequency ω is shown in figure 6. The storage modulus G′(ω) was an order of magnitude larger than the loss modulus G′′(ω) and spanned two orders of magnitude (104–106 Pa) in these sponge species. Sponges with spicules (squares) were an order of magnitude stiffer than those without (diamonds). G′(ω) followed a very weak power law in all specimens, including the synthetic cellulose sponge, but interestingly, G′′(ω) also followed a frequency power law for the synthetic sponge only, and was non-monotonic and disparate among living sponges (figure 6b).

    Figure 6.

    Figure 6. Sponge tissue frequency sweeps at γ0=0.05%. (a) G′(ω), (b) G′′(ω), (c) G′′ versus G′ at ω = π s−1 and (d) tan δ versus ω, replotted on linear axes in (e). Curves are fits of the fractional solid model [16] and error bars are mean ± s.e. of N samples.

    The ratio of dissipated to stored energy in the tissue when sheared, tan δ, highlights these disparities (figure 6c). In C. apion, C. celata, Tectitethya sp. and Tethya sp., tan δ decreases at low ω, followed by a slow increase in some, or a plateau in others. Axinella polycapella, Callyspongia sp. and I. notabilis behave similarly, but tan δ takes values roughly fourfold smaller (figure 6d). In other words, the first group of sponges dissipate four times as much energy when sheared compared to the second group, and many of the sponges had dissipation minima at specific frequencies (figure 6e).

    None of the classical viscoelastic circuit models that we fit provided adequate descriptions of G′(ω) and G′′(ω) (electronic supplementary material, figure S8). We also fit a model including a fractional element that reproduces the power-law behaviour associated with a continuous distribution of relaxation times in biological materials [16]. This model reproduced the power-law storage behaviour and the non-monotonicity of dissipation in the live sponges with high accuracy.

    3.3. Nonlinear viscoelasticity

    For increasing amplitude of oscillatory shear strain γ0 (LAOS), sponge tissue responded nonlinearly by softening as indicated by decrease of GM(γ0) and GL(γ0) (figure 7ac), defined in §2.2. We let the onset of softening γa (dotted vertical lines) be where GM first decreased more than 10% from its previous value. Cliona celata began softening at a smaller γa and also softened more than A. polycapella and Callyspongia sp. over the course of one LAOS test. By the final amplitude, GM had decreased by roughly 90% in C. celata (electronic supplementary material, table S2).

    Figure 7.

    Figure 7. Sponge tissue amplitude sweeps at ω = 4π s−1. GM (downward triangles) and GL (upward triangles) versus γ0 in (a) A. polycapella, (b) Callyspongia sp. and (c) C. celata. Data for the second round are in grey. (d) S, (e) σN and (f) tan δ versus γ0.

    Intriguingly, A. polycapella and C. celata tissue had additional shear nonlinearities arise after pre-conditioning of the first LAOS test. During the second LAOS test, the large strain elastic modulus GL(γ0) (grey upward triangles) in these two species increases after another strain γc (dashed-dotted vertical lines). This was most pronounced in C. celata (figure 7c), since GL(γ0) decreases markedly yet eventually increases and returns to its exact value at the end of the first round. In other words, GL(γ0) has an inflection point during the second LAOS in A. polycapella and C. celata. Callyspongia sp. does not, despite it being sheared to a twice larger γ0 = 20%. We made γc be where the numerical derivative KL=ΔGL/Δγ0 changed sign to confirm there was no inflection point in GL(γ0) for Callyspongia sp. during the second round of LAOS (electronic supplementary material, table S3).

    The time-resolved trajectory of the shear stress τ(t) (electronic supplementary material, figure S2(ii)) in response to oscillating shear strain γ(t) (electronic supplementary material, figure S2(i)) reveals further richness in the larger strain viscoelasticity of sponge tissue. τ(t) increases nonlinearly during a single cycle from γ = 0 to γ = ±γ0 as indicated by concave-up parametric plots of τ(t) versus γ(t) (L-B curves; electronic supplementary material, figure S2(iv)). We evaluated this stiffening at each γ0 with the index S=(GLGM)/GL and made its onset γb be where S ≥ 0.1 [18]. S = 0 signifies no stiffening within a cycle and elliptical L-B curves with well-defined semi-major and semi-minor axes (L-B curve lower insets). The more positive is S, the greater GL compared with GM, the more upwardly concave the L-B curve, and the greater the stiffening (L-B curve upper insets) at that γ0. This stiffening nonlinearity occurs during a single oscillation from γ = 0 to γ = ±γ0 for γ0 > γb.

    The onset of stiffening γb (dashed vertical lines) followed the same trend as γa. It was about ten times smaller in C. celata compared with A. polycapella and Callyspongia sp. (electronic supplementary material, table S2). In other words γa,bCliona<γa,bCallyspongia<γa,bAxinella was true. S increased monotonically with increasing γ0 in all species and by γ0 = 10%. C. celata had the largest and Callyspongia sp. the smallest S (figure 7d). Cliona celata shear stiffened more (more positive S) and after smaller strains than A. polycapella and Callyspongia sp. when γ(t) is increased over the trajectory of a single cycle but also softens more (more negative KL) and at smaller strains (electronic supplementary material, table S2).

    Cliona celata was also distinct from A. polycapella and Callyspongia sp. by the sign of its induced normal stress and ratio of dissipation to storage as functions of γ0 (figure 7e,f). Due to perpendicular expansion upon shearing, positive normal stress is induced in many materials [35]. Semi-flexible biopolymer networks instead pull downward when sheared, exhibiting negative normal stress [35]. Surprisingly, sponge tissue did both: A. polycapella and Callyspongia sp. pushed upward on the top plate with a positive normal stress of roughly 5 kPa while C. celata pulled downward with negative normal stress twice as large by γ0 = 10%. Finally, tan δ increases with γ0 in all three species initially, but C. celata reaches a clear maximum dissipation (figure 7f). Axinella polycapella and Callyspongia sp. begin the LAOS experiment about half as dissipative as C. celata, and after increasing initially, dissipation then only marginally decreases for A. polycapella and Callyspongia sp. over this physiological range of γ0.

    3.4. Morphological and skeletal characteristics

    As described in §2.3, we imaged mesoscopic features in the washed fibrous skeletons of less dense sponges (figure 8). Aplysina fulva grows as rope-like branches that hang downward. It has no spicules but a relatively stiff spongin skeleton of irregular polygons with large mesh sizes of a few millimetres. We could not distinguish n^1 from n^2 in A. fulva samples at this scale. Igernella notabilis, the other sponge without spicules in our dataset, has a similar skeleton (electronic supplementary material, figure S5b) and a lobe-like, branching growth form. Callyspongia sp. has hollow tissue (figure 8h), making it ultimately vase-like, but when viewed on a smaller scale by stereomicroscope (electronic supplementary material, figure S5f,g) its tissue looks like that of A. fulva and I. notabilis.

    Figure 8.

    Figure 8. Sponge structure and morphology. (a) Dried A. fulva spongin fibre skeleton sampled into (b) n^1 and (c) n^2 discs. Red lines inside black boxes correspond to average fibre orientation measured using FibrilTool [21]. (d) Axinella polycapella spicule preparation. (e) n^1, (f) n^2 A. polycapella, (g) Callyspongia sp. skeleton, arrows show spicules confined inside spongin fibres. (h) n^1, (i) n^2 Callyspongia sp.

    By contrast, A. polycapella is conspicuously solid and axially arranged. This sponge forms erect, tree-like structures (electronic supplementary material, figure S3), with one central column, or trunk. Figure 8e,f shows an n^1 (n^2) disc of A. polycapella. The red lines signifying local nematic order and thus average fibre orientation show a condensed region of axial fibres, a trait well documented in erect sponges [36,37], as well as radial and tangential fibres. Tethya sp. and T. keyensis growth forms are radially symmetric but the nematic tensors drawn with FibrilTool also reveal three principal fibre directions as in A. polycapella (electronic supplementary material, figure S4a,b). Materials such as wood [38], bone [39] and brick [40] also have three principal directions and are thus orthotropic. A point within an orthotropic material has three mutually perpendicular planes of reflection symmetry [39] and material properties are different along each principal direction. This was most obvious in A. polycapella, whose tissue does bear a striking resemblance to a tree trunk (electronic supplementary material, figure S5d), but we also found structural and mechanical signatures of orthotropy in T. keyensis and Tethya sp.

    In terms of the bulk density measured by the mass fraction of water ϕw in the tissue, C. apion, C. celata, T. keyensis and Tethya sp. were significantly denser (ϕw ≤ 0.5) than A. polycapella, Callyspongia sp., A. fulva and I. notabilis (ϕw ≥ 0.7) (figure 9a). Multiplying the mass fraction of solids ϕs = 1 − ϕw by the total density of the sponge tissue disc mw/V gives an estimate of the concentration of spongins c. On a log–log plot of G0 versus c in mg ml−1, we find an approximate scaling of G0c11/5 to fit the sponge data (figure 9b). This agrees with previous results for the dependence of the network shear modulus on semi-flexible polymer concentration [41], providing further evidence for general semi-flexibility of spiculated spongins.

    Figure 9.

    Figure 9. (a) Mean mass fraction of water ϕw ±s.e. of N discs. (b) G0 versus the concentration of spongins c estimated from ϕw. (c) Estimated number of spicules per ml of tissue ±50%. (d) G0 versus the number density of spicules.

    The major component of the spicule population in these species was monactine (electronic supplementary material, figure S7). Tethya sp. (electronic supplementary material, figure S7d) also contained spiky spherical spicules (spherasters) in its cortex only. We did not count these since they were much more numerous than the monactine strongyloxeas found in both the cortex and pith. Axinella polycapella oxeas (figure 8d), Callyspongia sp. oxeas (figure 8g) and C. celata tylostyles (electronic supplementary material, figure S7b) were similar in size and shape: monactine and about 100 μm long and 10 μm thick, though arranged differently with respect to the softer part of the tissue. The three fibre directions in A. polycapella are spicule-reinforced [42] while spicules in Callyspongia sp. are constrained entirely within the fibres of its spongin network [43]. Cliona celata spicules are arranged and oriented densely and randomly [22], along with a surprising amount of sand (figure S6f). We observed A. polycapella, C. apion, C. celata, T. keyensis and Tethya sp. tissues dissolve slowly and vigorously in bleach (electronic supplementary material, video S1) and produce strong light scattering in culture wells (electronic supplementary material, figure S6). These observations and our estimates of spicule number density (figure 9c,d) confirm heavier spiculation in these sponges compared with Callyspongia sp. and the two species without spicules.

    4. Discussion

    We explored the mechanics and dynamics of a set of sponge species using rheology and microscopy. Our results show a surprisingly detailed and diverse tissue mechanics, informing our understanding of the great diversity of body forms both within and among species in this phylum.

    We first consider the species in our dataset with the most pronounced axial skeleton and erect growth form, A. polycapella. An axial skeleton is not unique to A. polycapella but present across many sponge clades and thought to be a morphological mechanism that generates rigidity [36,37,44]. Despite possession of this trait, A. polycapella had a smaller stiffness, i.e. shear rigidity G0, than C. celata. The sand that C. celata incorporated in addition to its spicules must be increasing its G0. Since the presence of spicules at all increased G0 by a factor of 10, stiffness is proportional to the total volume fraction of stiff inclusions, including sand grains. We speculate that the cortex of Tethya sp. overloaded the normal force transducer because spheraster-form spicules led to jamming in the physical sense, where in a system with sterically repulsive interactions, density and geometry combine to prohibit translational motions [45]. The dense, sandy inclusions in C. celata may have caused jamming in some regions of its tissue. So, while axial skeletons do not appear to cause anomalously high G0, or stiffness, in our dataset, the presence of an axial skeleton does produce orthotropic elasticity. Orthotropic elasticity is when the material stiffness at a particular point in a body differs along three mutually orthogonal axes.

    This form of anisotropic stiffness likely contributes to the ability of erect sponges to withstand pressure drag experienced in free stream, steady flow v (figure 1i). The magnitude of this drag force is

    where CD is the drag coefficient, S is the area exposed to flow and ρ is the fluid density [46]. We consider A. polycapella as an upright, solid cylinder of radius a and length ℓ (figure 1e) and therefore S=2a. CD depends on the Reynolds number Re = ρvℓ/η where η is the fluid viscosity. Using the range of v from §2.2 and values of ρ and η for seawater at 20∘C, we find 102Re105 over which CD ≈ 1 for a cylinder [46]. The maximum flow-induced shear stress may be estimated as τ0 = FD/πa2 and thus written as a function of v using equation (4.1):
    This equation states that the more slender a cylindrical sponge is through ℓ/a the larger is τ0. The loop current [47], which runs through places where A. polycapella is common along the Gulf of Mexico, around Florida, and up into northern Atlantic waters [48], can reach v = 80 cm s−1 and would impart τ0 ≈ 4.2 kPa. As A. polycapella and other tree-like sponges grow taller, orthotropic tissue that is stiffest along y^ is necessary to withstand large τ0. Wood, another orthotropic material [38] that is stiffest along its central axis, is also subjected to a single principal force: wind-induced drag [46]. Sponges with axial skeletons are therefore mechanically analogous to trees by this reasoning, and using them for reef dendrochronology should be possible in principle. The tangential fibres of A. polycapella (figure 8f) correspond to surfaces of earlier accretive growth, as they do in a tree’s trunk.

    Equation (4.2) also shows that as ℓ increases during growth, sponges could keep the load on themselves constant by keeping the ratio ℓ/a constant, which would fix the value of the tissue stiffness G0=τ0/γ0 in each branch and across the whole animal. This line of reasoning suggests global rigidity [49], as mediated by ℓ/a, is the tissue network parameter optimized by sponges with axial skeletons [50]. This model in turn predicts that sponges should branch in a self-similar or fractal way, with fractal dimension increasing in areas of higher flow speed in order to share a larger load on the tissue τ0 between more branches. In other words, the cost of construction of new branches is fixed throughout the whole height of the animal. Tree-like sponges do branch in a self-similar way [50,51], with higher fractal dimension measured in individuals from sites of higher flow v, but relevant optimization functionals have not been explored like they have in more familiar transport networks [52].

    By contrast, our results suggest that T. keyensis and Tethya sp. tissue is orthotropic but these sponges are not obviously tree-like since they do not form branches. They are erect, though, and thus exposed to one principal force: pressure drag which acts perpendicular to y^. Indeed, dissecting them revealed thicker skeletal fibres parallel to y^ than along x^ or z^ (electronic supplementary material, figure S4a,b). Given the above, it is likely that axial and radial sponge skeletons are both orthotropic. The former grows cylindrically while the latter spherically, but sometimes within a single individual, both types exist (fig. 9 in [53]), lending support to the idea that each is a manifestation of orthotropy. As long as a sponge is slender enough (a) such that flow separates around it [54], its tissue must be stiffest along y^ to withstand this. For low-aspect-ratio sponges (ℓ < a), equation (4.2) no longer holds as such shapes are subject to different forces.

    In addition to pressure drag, there will be other flow-induced forces on low-aspect-ratio sponges like ‘skin’ or viscous drag, lift and accelerating flows. The calculation of these is subtle and presented in [9,54], so we do not include it here. However, the key point is that both kinds of drag, lift and accelerating flows can all become important in different dynamic flow conditions, and thus the direction of the net force on a low-aspect-ratio sessile animal is not generally perpendicular to y^ or even fixed. It then makes sense for an amorphous, massively encrusting sponge like C. celata to have isotropic tissue, since it contends with applied forces that are time-dependent, and from multiple directions. Callyspongia sp., A. fulva and I. notabilis tissue was also more isotropic, but these sponges form hollow cavities, making them vase-like and mechanically transversely isotropic, i.e. the xz-plane is one of isotropy and is transverse to the y-axis of symmetry, the long axis of the vase [39]. In other words, the body cavity or spongocoel is an axis of mechanical symmetry that is typically perpendicular to the substrate plane in vase-like sponges. Sponges of different growth forms are therefore well adapted to the same environments through unique tissue mechanical strategies. Moreover, it has been shown that high-aspect-ratio forms like erect cylinders encounter primarily fine particles whereas low-aspect-ratio forms encounter larger particles [54]. This sedimentation gradient would enable sponges of different growth forms to specialize in differently sized food particles.

    In many ways, C. celata had the richest rheology of the sponges we tested. Its tissue appeared to undergo a compression-induced phase transition as indicated by the discontinuity in G′ versus |σN|. Recently, simulations have shown that networks of semi-flexible polymers embedded with stiff inclusions can undergo a phase transition as the inclusions rearrange non-uniformly (non-affinely) under bulk compression [55]. Our multiaxial mechanical data were qualitatively very similar to these simulations. The slope change at ϵ=6% in C. celata and others may be seen as the signal of imminent jamming. Rearrangement of stiff inclusions during compression induces local tension within intrinsically semi-flexible biopolymers [56], leading to macroscopic increase of rigidity [55]. Semi-flexible polymers are those which are flexible on scales larger than their persistence length [30], but locally quite stiff, and nonetheless subject to thermal fluctuations. Many ubiquitous biopolymers are semi-flexible [57]. Our mechanical data, taken together with the biochemical similarity of spongins to fibrillar and non-fibrillar mammalian collagens [58,59], and the fact that the average spongin fibril size (10 nm [5]) is comparable to intermediate filament sizes [57], point to spongin semi-flexibility. In other words, spiculated spongin bundles likely contribute significant stretching, but also bending energies towards the total energy of deformation of sponge tissue.

    The strong compression stiffening in sponges compared with mammalian tissues likely comes from shape constraints as described above, but also volume constraints from cells acting as deformable inclusions [25]. Sponge microenvironments can be dense and crowded, especially in high-microbial-abundance species where symbiotic bacteria in the tissue are approximately 100 times more numerous than in low-microbial-abundance species [60]. The effects of cell confinement and in turn nuclear deformation during cell motility have only just begun to be explored in mammalian systems [24,61]. Because of the purported absence of cytoskeletal intermediate filaments like nuclear lamins in sponges, global compression of tissue may cause contact percolation of sponge cells and subsequent nuclear deformation (fig. 57A in [5]) and mechanical signalling. For this to be plausible, sponge cells must be able to respond to strains 10%, considering flow-induced forces would have to be transmitted from the surrounding tissue.

    The observed auxeticity of sponge tissue provides a possible mechanism for amplification of strain in biological systems [34]. While we made indirect measurements of Poisson’s ratios νij in this set of sponges (electronic supplementary material, table S1), direct observation of contraction upon compression of a randomly picked marine sponge (electronic supplementary material, video S3) confirms ν generally takes negative values in these animals. To our knowledge, there are no examples of bulk collageneous mammalian tissues which are auxetic. Auxetic re-entrant polymer foams (fig. 2 in [62]) certainly bear a resemblance to the fibre skeletons of Callyspongia sp., A. fulva and I. notabilis. Since sponges are generally subject to stresses 1–10 kPa and strains rarely above 10%, their cells may be able to respond to these comparatively small mechanical shifts by living within auxetic tissues which amplify applied strain by avoiding changes of dimension. Some models of auxetic response show that the walls of the voids within the material collapse inward in controlled fashion [33]. Local strain at these points is presumably very high, and a potential source of a cellular mechanobiological response.

    Our results on the nonlinear viscoelasticity in sponges point at general responsiveness of sponge tissue to comparatively small, flow-induced strains. Cliona celata begins shear softening at γa ≈ 0.1%, an onset at least ten times smaller than in collagen gels [20]. In fact, for in vitro collagen, the extent of shear softening is weak enough that it is seldom reported on [20], but living sponge tissue softened significantly. The strong softening in C. celata might allow structural remodelling in the face of increasing γ0. Cliona celata and A. polycapella shear stiffen at γc ≈ 5%, an onset four times smaller than in collagen gels (γc ≈ 20% [20]) and they only do so after pre-conditioning with one round of LAOS. During the second round, GL(γ0) decreases as before, until γc where it begins to increase as described in §3.3. We discuss this important subtlety below.

    Cyclically loading a large class of disordered systems can allow mechanical memory of steady-state driving amplitudes [63,64]. Sponge tissue is a great candidate for mechanical memory formation. It is deformable but stable, made of heterogeneous network structures that rearrange under applied strain [65]. We interpret the shear stiffening only after a second round of LAOS in A. polycapella and C. celata as a return to a previous rheological steady state: the final applied strain γ0 and stress response τ0 (encoded by GM(γ0) and GL(γ0)) from the first round. This effect is also apparent in the L-B curves for these two species (electronic supplementary material, figure S2 rows A and C, col iv) and is more obvious in C. celata. Considering this species’ more granular, disordered nature, it would make sense for its tissue to recall ‘training’ strains with higher fidelity compared with A. polycapella. Furthermore, the general non-monotonicity of dissipation (tan δ) as functions of both ω and γ0 in living sponge tissue implies tunability and responsivity [63]. Cliona celata must also be more tunable than any of the other sponges tested, given it had such a clear maximum dissipation at a small γ0. Since memory formation is intrinsically tied to non-equilibrium dynamics [63], this suggests C. celata tissue is more irreversibly driven by flow than A. polycapella.

    We speculate on the absence of a strain stiffening nonlinearity (γc) in Callyspongia sp. by considering how its spicules are constrained within the softer fibres of its tissue. As this sponge is sheared, its spicules presumably slide past each other or perhaps only weakly interact but still inside large spongin fibres (figure 8g). Past γa, the spicules may rupture out of these fibres, causing the more dramatic softening between γa < γ0 < γb (figure 7b). This sponge was also the least dense of any we tested, such that there may be too much open space in its tissue for spicules to abut and create internal strain. We assume that γb (γintra in [20]) corresponds to the strain at which nonlinear elastic stiffening [56] of the spiculated spongin part of the tissue becomes relevant. That A. polycapella and Callyspongia sp. had similar values of γb ≈ 4% and the same sign of induced normal stress under shear (positive) but γb ≈ 0.5% in C. celata, which had an opposing sign of induced normal stress (negative), suggests major physical differences and diversity in spiculated spongins.

    In any case, C. celata might have a strong interaction between its softer fibrous network and stiffer spiculated skeleton, and we suggest this sponge and those like it are in the same class of disordered systems as colloidal gels, which have recently been demonstrated to have an ability to embed mechanical memories perpendicular to a driving shear [65]. The large magnitude of the induced negative normal stress in C. celata may even be connected to the ‘recording’ of a high fidelity memory through compression. It is curious that compression appears more lossy than shear. Overall, increased sensitivity and tunability in disordered tissue, low-aspect-ratio growth form sponges like C. celata, could be a trade-off with the stability that mechanical order provides in more durable, higher-aspect-ratio sponges like A. polycapella and Callyspongia sp.

    Data accessibility

    All of our rheology and microscopy data are available at [66] and code written by E.A.K. for the analysis of large strain oscillatory rheology data may be accessed at [67].

    The data are provided in electronic supplementary material [68].

    Authors' contributions

    E.A.K.: conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, investigation, methodology, resources, software, visualization, writing—original draft, writing—review and editing; L.E.M.: methodology, validation, visualization, writing—review and editing; S.A.S.: validation, visualization, writing—review and editing; D.S.: validation, writing—review and editing; J.Y.: resources, validation; P.A.J.: conceptualization, funding acquisition, investigation, methodology, project administration, resources, supervision, validation, writing—review and editing; A.M.S.: conceptualization, funding acquisition, investigation, methodology, project administration, resources, supervision, validation, writing—review and editing.

    All authors gave final approval for publication and agreed to be held accountable for the work performed therein.

    Conflict of interest declaration

    We declare we have no competing interests.


    E.A.K. and P.A.J. were supported by the US National Science Foundation (grant nos. DMR 1720530 and CMMI-1548571).


    We are grateful for Qiuting Zhang’s assistance with the rheometer software and the collection of time-resolved LAOS data. We thank Nikhila Kumar for counting spicules in ImageJ. Sponge identification was possible thanks to Eric Lazo-Wasem, senior collections manager in the Invertebrate Zoology Division of Yale Peabody Museum. We are also grateful for photography assistance from Dr Casey Dunn and constructive discussions on sponges with Jasmine Mah. Finally, we thank reviewer no. 2 for helping improve the accuracy of the manuscript.


    Electronic supplementary material is available online at

    Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.