Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences

    The mechanism of the 12C(γ, 3α) reaction, for γ-ray energies, Eγ, up to about 40 MeV, has been determined from a study of over 2500 stars in nuclear emulsions. The study includes investigation of the angular distributions and correlations of the α-particles. The reaction is initiated mainly by electric-dipole and electric-quadrupole γ-ray interaction, the former being unexpectedly strong when Eγ < 20 MeV. For Eγ < 25 MeV the reaction proceeds mainly by transitions to the ground-state of 8Be (spin J = 0), and to 2⋅95 ± 0⋅10 MeV (J = 2) and 4⋅0 ± 0⋅1 MeV (J = 2 or 4) levels of 8Be. Transitions to levels near 6, 10 and 15 MeV (all J = 0, 2 or 4) become predominant when 25 MeV ≤ Eγ <26 MeV. For Eγ ≥ 26 MeV, most transitions lead to 16⋅8 ± 0⋅2 MeV (J = 2) and 17⋅6 ± 0⋅2 MeV (J = 2, possibly 0) levels, and possibly to a further 16⋅4 ± 0⋅2 MeV (J = 0 or 2) level, levels which have not been detected in other reactions. The reaction mechanism is interpreted in terms of competing modes of decay of a compound nucleus, demonstrating the strong influence of the isotopic spins (T) of the levels of 12C and 8Be involved. For example, the 2+ levels of 12C involved when 16 MeV ≤ Eγ <20 MeV are (unexpectedly) found to have T = 1, and the 16⋅8 and 17⋅6 MeV levels of 8Be are also found to have T = 1. The relationship of the 12C (γ, 3α) reaction to other 12C photodisintegration reactions (including some new reactions established during the present experiments) is discussed.


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