In §3c of [1] (Case 2), the linearized strain tensor ε is given as (see eqn (3.21) therein) , where τ is the total stress tensor, is the electric field and is a direction field such that (the direction where the body is transversely isotropic). There are two missing terms in eqn (3.22) of that paper for the explicit representation for ε (see [2]). The corrected expression for ε is
In eqn (3.33) of [1] (Case 4 in §3c), there are also two missing terms for the representation for , where is the left Cauchy–Green tensor and is the electric displacement. The corrected expression for is
The additional terms added in (3.22) and (3.33) do not have any influence in the rest of the results presented in that paper [1].