Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences
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Directional female preference for an exaggerated male trait in canary (Serinus canaria) song

Tudor I. Drăgănoiu

Tudor I. Drăgănoiu

Laboratory of Ethology and Comparative Cognition, University Paris X-France, Bâtiment H, 200 Avenue de la République, 92001 Nanterre, France

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Laurent Nagle

Laurent Nagle

Laboratory of Ethology and Comparative Cognition, University Paris X-France, Bâtiment H, 200 Avenue de la République, 92001 Nanterre, France

[email protected]

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Michel Kreutzer

Michel Kreutzer

Laboratory of Ethology and Comparative Cognition, University Paris X-France, Bâtiment H, 200 Avenue de la République, 92001 Nanterre, France

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    Motor constraints on vocal production impose a trade–off between trill rate and frequency bandwidth within birdsong. We tested whether domesticated canary (Serinus canaria) females, reared either in acoustic isolation or in aviary conditions, had a preference for broad bandwidth songs with artificially increased syllable rates. The copulation solicitation display (CSD) was used as an index of female preference. As predicted, both naive and experienced females were especially responsive to syllables with a broad bandwidth emitted at an artificially increased rate. Female preference for supernormal stimuli provide support for the honest–signalling hypothesis and our results are consistent with recent findings indicating that production of song phrases maximizing both bandwidth and syllable rate may be a reliable indicator of male physical or behavioural qualities. We suggest that female preference for vocal emissions, which simultaneously maximize these two parameters, could be a widespread pattern within songbirds.