Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
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Logics and admissible rules of constructive set theories

Rosalie Iemhoff

Rosalie Iemhoff

Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Utrecht University, Janskerkhof 13, 3512 BL Utrecht, The Netherlands

[email protected]

Contribution: Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing

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Robert Passmann

Robert Passmann

Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam, PO Box 94242, 1090 GE Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Contribution: Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing

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    We survey the logical structure of constructive set theories and point towards directions for future research. Moreover, we analyse the consequences of being extensible for the logical structure of a given constructive set theory. We finally provide examples of a number of set theories that are extensible.

    This article is part of the theme issue ‘Modern perspectives in Proof Theory’.

    1. Introduction

    Constructive set theories are formal systems in which we can conduct intuitionistic or constructive mathematics. Many systems of constructive set theory have strong connections to type theory and are interesting because they allow us to analyse the computational content of mathematical statements.

    When a constructive mathematical theory T is defined, we usually pay special attention to ensure that not all instances of the law of excluded middle,

    are derivable in T. Even if an axiom looks constructive, it may happen that it entails this logical law, and if all instances of the law of excluded middle are derivable, then the axiom is constructively unacceptable.

    Consider, for a well-known example, the famous theorem by Diaconescu [1] and Goodman & Myhill [2] that adding the axiom of choice to intuitionistic set theory IZF (Intuitionistic Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory) results in the classical ZFC set theory. This result is often taken as evidence for rejecting the axiom of choice as constructively valid. However, showing that a certain instance of excluded middle is not constructively valid is not sufficient for ensuring that only principles of intuitionistic logic are satisfied. After all, there could be intermediate principles that are derivable in T. Dick de Jongh was the first to investigate this phenomenon: in his doctoral dissertation [3], he showed that the propositional principles valid in Heyting arithmetic (HA) under all substitutions are exactly those of propositional intuitionistic logic (IPC). This fact is now known as de Jongh’s theorem and has sparked fruitful investigations into the logical structure of intuitionistic arithmetic. A generalization of de Jongh’s theorem would be to consider not only the propositional principles of HA but also its propositional admissible rules (see definition 2.3). Visser [4] showed that the propositional admissible rules of HA are exactly those of IPC. A further generalization would be to consider the two notions in the setting of predicate logic.

    In this article, we survey results about the logical structure of constructive set theories and also provide a few new results in the area as well as questions for future research.

    The study of the logical properties of classical and non-classical theories goes back at least several decades. Early results on the logics of theories date from the 1970s, and Rybakov’s seminal work on admissibility [5] marked the beginning of a period during which the admissible rules were investigated for many theories, see [6] for an overview. What is characteristic of that period is that the theories involved were mainly arithmetical theories, such as HA, or extensions of propositional logics, such as modal, intermediate and substructural logics. This naturally leads to the more general questions studied today, questions that ask whether the phenomena observed for arithmetic apply to other well-known constructive theories, and whether the phenomena observed for propositional logics also hold for predicate logics. Behind all this lie conceptual issues as well: What does it mean for a theory to have the same logic or rules as a given theory? Should it be required of a genuine constructive theory that it has the same admissible rules as intuitionistic propositional or predicate logics? These questions characterize the modern perspective on the area. We do not know the answers to all of them yet, but the results in this article provide some answers for constructive set theories.

    (a) Overview

    We will introduce what we understand as the logical structure of a theory in §2 and then survey the techniques and results obtained so far in §3. Section 4 will be dedicated to obtaining a few new results. We mention suggestions for future research throughout the article and also list some more in §5. Finally, we discuss the logics and admissible rules of the extreme case of classical theories in §6.

    2. Preliminaries: the logical structure of a theory

    We denote intuitionistic propositional logic by IPC and intuitionistic first-order logic by IQC. Classical propositional logic is denoted by CPC and classical first-order logic by CQC. If a logic J satisfies IPCJCPC or IQCJCQC, then it is a (propositional or first-order) intermediate logic.

    In this article, we work with first-order logics formulated in the language consisting of countably many predicate symbols Pi for iN in every arity. The formulas of first-order logic are recursively defined in the usual way with the connectives and quantifiers ¬, , , , and . We also consider and to be part of the logical vocabulary. Note that we take constants and functions to be expressed as predicates in the usual way. The language of propositional logic is obtained by restricting to nullary predicates (i.e. the propositional letters) and forgetting the quantifiers. Finally, we assume that all first-order languages share the same set of variables {xi}iN.

    Definition 2.1.

    Let T be a theory. A map σ is a T-assignment if and only if it maps each predicate symbol R to a T-formula σ(R) such that the number of free variables of σ(R) is not bigger than the arity of R.

    For example, given a binary relation symbol R, we could obtain a T-assignment by setting σ(R)=`x0x1'. We denote the formulas of first-order logic by LFOLform and those of a theory T by LTform. We can then obtain substitutions from assignments as follows.

    Definition 2.2.

    Let T be a theory. A map σ:LFOLformLTform is a T-substitution if it obtained from a T-assignment τ such that σ(R(xi1,,xin))=τ(R)(xi1,,xin), and, moreover, commutes with , and the logical connectives. If the range of σ is {,}, then it is a ground substitution.

    The theory T is often clear from the context, and we will then speak of substitutions instead of T-substitutions. As usual, a rule Γ/Δ is a pair of finite sets of logical formulas.

    Definition 2.3.

    Let T be a theory. A rule Γ/Δ is admissible in T, ΓTΔ, if and only if for every substitution σ, if Tσ(A) for all AΓ, then there is BΔ such that Tσ(B).

    By , we will denote the admissibility relation in which we consider only propositional formulas. We will consider more closely now the propositional and first-order tautologies of a theory.

    Definition 2.4.

    A formula A of first-order logic is a tautology of T if and only if TA.

    Proposition 2.5.

    A formula A is a tautology of T if and only if Tσ(A) for all substitutions σ.


    Note that TA is by definition equivalent to Tσ() implying Tσ(A) for all σ. As the premise is true for any T, the implication is equivalent to Tσ(A) for every σ.

    Given this definition, we can define the propositional and first-order logics of a theory.

    Definition 2.6.

    Let T be a theory. The propositional logic of T, L(T), consists of all propositional tautologies of T. The first-order logic of T, QL(T), consists of all first-order tautologies of T.

    We can now ask four natural questions about the logical structure of a given theory T:


    What are the first-order admissible rules of T? T=?


    What are the propositional admissible rules of T? T=?


    What is the first-order logic of T? QL(T)=?


    What is the propositional logic of T? L(T)=?

    Given the aforementioned definitions, it is clear that answers to some of these questions imply answers to others: If we know an answer to (i), then we know answers to (ii)–(iv). If we know an answer to (ii), then to (iv) as well. Finally, if we know an answer to (iii), then also to (iv). Still, there are several reasons to consider these questions separately. First, the following theorem shows that an informative answer—in the sense of a recursive description—to (i) is in general not possible.

    Theorem 2.7. (Visser [4])

    Let T be a theory such that IΔ0+Exp can be relatively interpreted in T. If T has the disjunction property, then T is Π20-complete.


    This is Visser’s result; however, as we are not working with relative interpretations here, one needs to add this explicitly on the logical side by replacing the quantifiers xA(x) and xA(x) with x(R(X)A(x)) and x(R(x)A(x)), respectively, where R is a new relation symbol.

    However, one may of course still wonder whether the first-order admissible rules of any two theories are the same (question 5.1) or study the admissibility of specific interesting rules (see, e.g. van den Berg & Moerdijk [7]). Another reason to consider these questions separately is that, of course, the more complex objects require more complicated proofs than the simpler ones. In a sense, question (iv) can often be seen as a litmus test for the more difficult questions (ii) and (iii): if we conjecture that QL(T)=IQC, then showing that L(T)=IPC is a step in the right direction (though there are counter examples, e.g. L(IZF)=IPC but QL(IZF)IQC, see §3). It may even be necessary to know an answer to (iv) before applying certain techniques for obtaining an answer to (ii), viz. the propositional admissible rules of T. We will see much more detail in the remainder of this article. For now, we will dive a bit deeper into the logics and propositional admissible rules of a given theory.

    We say that a theory T is based on a logic J if T is axiomatized over J. As the results discussed in this article show, if a theory T is based on IQC, we do not necessarily have that QL(T)=IQC. Crucially, we cannot only study the logics of a theory T based on intuitionistic logic but, given an intermediate logic J, we can consider the theory T(J) obtained as the closure of T under J. de Jongh et al. [8] studied these theories and defined the de Jongh property as follows.

    Definition 2.8.

    Let J be a propositional or first-order intermediate logic. A theory T has the de Jongh property for J just in case L(T(J))=J if J is propositional or QL(T(J))=J if J is first order.

    We also say that a theory T satisfies de Jongh’s theorem if L(T)=IPC, and that T satisfies de Jongh’s theorem for first-order logic if QL(T)=IQC. To illustrate research in this area, we now give an incomplete history of de Jongh’s theorem for arithmetical theories (see de Jonghet al. [8] for a more complete history). De Jongh [3] proved that L(HA)=IPC—; in other words, he proved that HA satisfies the de Jongh property for IPC. Leivant [9] showed using proof theoretic means that QL(HA)=IQC; van Oosten later gave a model theoretic proof of the same fact. De Jongh et al. [8] proved that HA has the de Jongh property for several classes of intermediate logics. The following propositions are immediate from proposition 2.5.

    Proposition 2.9.

    Let TS be theories in the same language. If A is a tautology of T, then it is a tautology of S. In particular, L(T)L(S) and QL(T)QL(S).

    Proposition 2.10.

    Let J be a propositional or first-order intermediate logic. If TS are theories in the same language and S satisfies the de Jongh property for J, then so does T. In particular, if S satisfies de Jongh’s theorem, then so does T.

    A first crucial observation on the admissible rules of a theory is that these are bounded by its logic.

    Theorem 2.11. (Visser [4])

    Let T be a theory. If ATB, then AQL(T)B; i.e. TQL(T). Similarly, if ATB, then AL(T)B; i.e. TL(T).

    Not much is known about the converse direction. A counterexample could be obtained with theorem 2.7 if it turns out that the predicate admissible rules of IQC are of complexity lower than Π20-completeness. We close these preliminaries with two particularly helpful results for studying the propositional admissible rules of a given theory. A theory T is called extensible if any Kripke model of T can be extended by adding a new root and corresponding domain to obtain a new model of T (see also definition 4.1).

    Theorem 2.12. Visser ([4], Lemma 4.1)

    Let T be a theory with L(T)=IPC. If T is extensible, then the propositional admissible rules of T are exactly those of IPC, T=IPC.

    The Visser rule Vn is the following rule for propositional formulas Ai, Bi and C:

    The collection of Visser rules consists of the rules Vn for every n.

    Theorem 2.13.

    Let T be a theory with L(T)=IPC. If the Visser rules are admissible in T, then the admissible rules of T are exactly those of IPC.


    Let A and B be propositional formulas. By theorem 2.11, it suffices to show that if AIPCB, then ATB. So assume that AIPCB. By a theorem of Iemhoff ([10], Theorem 3.9), this means that AIPCVB, where IPCV denotes the derivability relation of IPC extended with all of Visser’s rules. In other words, there is a proof tree, potentially using A as a premise, all steps in which are instances of the rules of IPC and V, and whose conclusion is B. Given that Visser’s rules are admissible in T, and using the fact that T is based on intuitionistic logic, it is straightforward to see that every rule application in the proof tree is admissible in T. Hence, B is an admissible consequence of A, ATB.

    The two theorems give two routes to proving that the propositional admissible rules of a theory T are exactly those of IPC. We will see that theorem 2.12 can be seen as an instance of theorem 2.13 because Visser’s rules are admissible in any extensible theory (lemma 4.7). In this section, we covered the preliminaries for theories based on intuitionistic logic. There is more to say for the extreme case of theories based on classical logic, see §6.

    3. Survey on techniques and results

    (a) Constructive set theories

    In this section, we can only give a very brief introduction to constructive set theory. As usual, the language L of set theory is a first-order language with equality and a single binary relation symbol ‘’ to denote set membership. We consider the bounded quantifiers xaφ(x) and xaφ(x) to be abbreviations for x(xaφ(x)) and x(xaφ(x)), respectively. The crucial aim of intuitionistic and constructive set theories is to provide a set-theoretic foundation for mathematics on the basis of intuitionistic instead of classical logic. We will now introduce the relevant systems.

    In figure 1, we have spelt out all the axioms of set theory, giving rise to the following theories. Note that ‘z is full in x and y’ means that every element of z is a total relation between x and y and for every total relation w between x and y, and there is some uz such that uw. We can now define the relevant theories. The bounded separation consists of all instances of (separation), where φ is a bounded formula (i.e. φ is Δ0). In a similar way, we obtain the axiom scheme of bounded collection.

    Figure 1.

    Figure 1. Axioms of set theory.

    Definition 3.1.

    We define the following set theories on the basis of intuitionistic first-order logic.


    Intuitionistic Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory (IZF) consists of the axioms and schemes of extensionality, empty set, union, pairing, infinity, separation, -induction, collection and power set.


    Constructive Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory (CZF) consists of the axioms and schemes of extensionality, empty set, union, pairing, strong infinity, bounded separation, -induction, strong collection and subset collection.


    Intuitionistic Kripke–Platek set theory (IKP) consists of the axioms and schemes of extensionality, empty set, union, pairing, infinity, bounded separation, -induction and bounded collection.


    Basic constructive set theory (BCST) consists of the axioms and schemes of extensionality, empty set, union, pairing, replacement and bounded separation.


    Elementary constructive set theory (ECST) consists of the axioms and schemes of extensionality, empty set, pairing, union, strong infinity, bounded separation and replacement.

    The theory IZFR is IZF with replacement instead of collection, and CZFER is CZF with exponentiation and replacement instead of strong collection and subset collection.

    Note that CZF is usually formulated with the axiom of infinity instead of strong infinity. Obviously, the axiom of strong infinity implies infinity. The converse is also true on the basis of CZF without any infinity axioms [11, section 2.1]; so we can consider CZF to be formulated with the axiom of strong infinity instead of infinity, as this will be important later. For a detailed development of the mathematics of and in constructive set theories, we refer the reader to the notes of Aczel & Rathjen [12]. Whenever we discuss the results for an arbitrary set theory T in this article, we assume that T contains at least intuitionistic logic.

    (b) Techniques and results

    We will now survey what is known about the logical structure of constructive set theories. For many years, only the following two negative results were known.

    Theorem 3.2. (Diaconescu [1]; Goodman & Myhill [2])

    Let T be a set theory that proves 01 as well as the axioms of extensionality, pairing, and the separation scheme. If T proves the axiom of choice, then T proves all instances of the law of excluded middle.

    Theorem 3.3. (Friedman & Ščedrov [13])

    Let T be a set theory containing the axioms and schemes of extensionality, separation, pairing and (finite) union. Then IQCQL(T). In particular, IQCQL(IZF)CQC.

    While we do not wish to spell out the proofs of these theorems in detail, we will point out here that both of them make crucial use of the separation scheme to define sets that allow to derive a logical scheme for all formulas. This observation is crucial as we will see in a while that Passmann [14] showed that both theorems fail on the basis of CZF, i.e. when the set theory does not contain the full separation scheme. Note that theorem 3.3 leads to the following open question.

    Question 3.4.

    Let T be a set theory, based on intuitionistic logic, satisfying the conditions of theorem 3.3. What is QL(T)? In particular, what is QL(IZF)?

    Before considering more recent results, we will briefly recall some notation and results on Kripke models. A Kripke frame (K,) consists of a partial order on a set K. A valuation V on (K,) is a function V assigning sets of propositional letters to nodes such that vw and pV(v) entail pV(w). A Kripke model (K,,V) consists of a Kripke frame (K,) and a valuation V on (K,). The valuation V can be extended to the forcing relation between Kripke models and valuation Kripke models and propositional formulas in the usual way. The defining property of valuations is called persistence and transfers to all propositional formulas in Kripke models, i.e. vφ and vw entail wφ (this property also holds for all first-order formulas in the case of first-order models, see below). We refer to the literature for the standard results about Kripke models for intuitionistic logic.

    We are now ready to move to more recent results. All the results we are going to mention are obtained by model theoretic methods, i.e. a result of the form QL(T)=J is usually obtained by, first, showing that T proves all instances of J (this is usually easy), and second, for every logical principle A such that JA, one constructs a countermodel M of T, which also fails that principle. In other words, there is then a T-substitution σ such that MT but Mσ(A). We say that an intermediate logic J is characterized by a class K of Kripke models if and only if JA if and only if MA for every MK. The class of finite trees consists of the finite partial orders (P,) such that for any pP, the set {qP|qp} is linearly ordered.

    Theorem 3.5. (Passmann [15])

    Let TIZF be a set theory. If J be an intermediate propositional logic that is characterized by a class of finite trees, then L(T(J))=J. In particular, L(T)=IPC.

    This result was proved by using so-called blended Kripke models, and we will see an adaptation of this technique in §4. For now, we just note that Passmann’s blended models are inspired by the models that Lubarksy [16] used to show various independence results around CZF.

    The next two results were proved by Iemhoff & Passmann [17]. Note that IKP+ is obtained by adding weak versions of strong collection and subset collection to IKP (for details see their paper). An intermediate logic J is called Kripke-complete if there is a class K of Kripke models such that J is characterized by K.

    Theorem 3.6. (Iemhoff & Passmann [17])

    Let TIKP++MP+AC be a set theory. If J is a Kripke-complete intermediate propositional logic, then L(T(J))=J.

    Theorem 3.7. (Iemhoff & Passmann [17])

    Let TIKP++MP+AC be a set theory. If J is a Kripke-complete intermediate first-order logic contained in the least transitive model of ZFC+V=L, then QL(T(J))=J. In particular, QL(T)=IQC.

    For these results, Iemhoff & Passmann use (what they call) Kripke models with classical domains. These models are obtained by equipping each node of a Kripke frame with a classical model of set theory in a coherent way. An earlier result by Iemhoff [18] entails that these models will always satisfy IKP. Passmann showed in his master’s thesis [19] that this result is in a certain sense optimal: there are Kripke models with classical domains that do not satisfy the exponentiation axiom (which is a consequence of CZF). The aforementioned results could be proved for large classes of logics because the simple structure of the Kripke models with classical domains allows much control about their logical structure.

    Finally, Iemhoff & Passmann also obtained the following negative result for first-order logic with equality. Note that QL=(T) is obtained just like QL(T) with the additional requirement that substitutions commute with ‘=’.

    Theorem 3.8. (Iemhoff & Passmann [17], theorem 61)

    Let T be a set theory containing the axioms of extensionality, empty set and pairing. Then the first-order logic with equality of T, QL=(T), is strictly stronger than IQC=, i.e. IQC=QL=(T).

    Question 3.9.

    Given any set theory T, what is its first-order logic with equality QL=(T)?

    The following results were obtained by combining realizability techniques with transfinite computability. The latter is a generalization of classical computability by allowing machines to run for an infinite amount of time and/or use an infinite amount of space. For a thorough introduction, we refer the reader to Carl’s book [20].

    Theorem 3.10. (Carl et al. [21])

    The propositional admissible rules of IKP are exactly those of IPC, i.e. IKP=IPC.

    Theorem 3.11. (Passmann [14])

    The propositional admissible rules of CZF are exactly those of IPC, i.e. CZF=IPC.

    Theorem 3.12. (Passmann [14])

    Let TCZF+PowerSet+AC be a set theory. The first-order logic of T is intuitionistic first-order logic IQC, QL(T)=IQC.

    It is crucial to note here that the proof method of theorem 3.12 does not allow to prove the result for any intermediate logic J.

    Question 3.13.

    Can theorem 3.12 be generalized to a class of intermediate first-order logics?

    In general, all results surveyed in this section introduce assumptions on the logic J under consideration. We may therefore ask the following question (table 1).

    Table 1. An overview of the most important intuitionistic and constructive set theories and whether they satisfy de Jongh’s propositional and first-order theorems, and whether their admissible rules are exactly those of IPC, as discussed in the survey. The question marks (‘?’) indicate open problems. The results marked with a reference within this article are new.

    BCST ✓ (corollary 4.13)
    ECST ✓ (corollary 4.13)
    CZFER ✓ (corollary 4.13)
    IZFR ✗; IQCQL(IZFR)=?CQC ✓ (corollary 4.13)

    Question 3.14.

    Is it possible to extend the results of this section to larger classes of logics? If not, find counterexamples for which these theorems fail if the assumptions on the logics J are weakened.

    4. Logics and rules of set theories

    (a) Logic, rules and the extension property

    In this section, we will prove a set-theoretic analogue of Visser’s [4, lemma 4.1] Main Lemma. Given a Kripke frame K, we write K+ for the frame extended with a new root. The construction of adding a new root to a Kripke model was first used by Smorynski [22] for models of HA to give an alternative proof of de Jongh’s theorem for HA. In the arithmetical case, it suffices to equip the new root with the standard model of arithmetic. The case of the set theory requires a more elaborate construction, as we will now see.

    Definition 4.1.

    Let Γ be a set of sentences in the language of set theory. A set of sentences Δ is Γ-extensible if for every Kripke model MΓΔ of set theory with underlying frame K, there is a model M+ based on K+ such that M+K=M and M+Δ; Δ is extensible if it is -extensible.

    To avoid cumbersome notation, we will say that a sentence φ is (Γ-)extensible just in case {φ} is (Γ-)extensible. We will later need the following two brief observations.

    Lemma 4.2.

    Let ΓΔ be sets of formulas. If Δ is Γ-extensible, then Δ is extensible.


    Let MΔ. As ΓΔ, we have MΔΓ. By Γ-extensibility, it follows that M+Δ.

    Lemma 4.3.

    Let ΓΔ be sets of formulas. If a sentence φ is Γ-extensible, then it is Δ-extensible.


    Let M{φ}Δ. As ΓΔ, we have M{φ}Γ. By Γ-extensibility, M+φ.

    A Kripke frame (K,) is a finite splitting tree if K is finite, connected and every vK has either no successors or at least two immediate successors. A node vK with no successors is also called a leaf. An easy induction on the height of finite splitting trees allows to show that every node in such a tree is uniquely determined by the set of leaves above it. A set theory T is called subclassical if there is a classical model of T.

    The following theorem follows the same idea as Smorynski’s proof of de Jongh’s theorem for HA [22]. For this reason, this proof method is also sometimes referred to as Smorynski’s trick.

    Theorem 4.4.

    Let J be a propositional intermediate logic characterized by a class of finite splitting trees. If T is a subclassical recursively enumerable extensible set theory, then J is the propositional logic of T(J), i.e. L(T(J))=J.


    Let 2<ω be the set of binary sequences of finite length, and 2n be the set of binary sequences of length n. If T is a recursively enumerable theory, let ΓT be its Gödel sentence. Let φ0:=ΓT, and φ1:=¬ΓT. Clearly both T+φ0 and T+φ1 are consistent by Gödel’s incompleteness theorem. By recursion on the length of s2<ω, we define

    φs0:=φsΓT+φs and
    By inductively applying Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, it follows that T+φs is consistent for every s2<ω; so, for every s2<ω, let Ms be a classical model such that MsT+φs.

    We now observe that, given s,t2<ω of the same length with st, it must be that φs and φt are jointly inconsistent: Let i be minimal such that s(i)t(i). Then si=ti, and we can assume, without loss of generality, that s(i)=0 and t(i)=1. The sentences φs and φt are defined as conjunctions in such a way that φs contains the conjunct ΓT+φsi, and φt contains the conjunct ¬ΓT+φti. Since si=ti, it follows that φs¬φt. We can conclude for n<ω and s2n that


    Let T be a set theory and J be a logic, as given in the statement of the theorem. To prove that L(T(J))=J, we will proceed as follows: Let C be a class of finite splitting trees that characterizes the logic J. It is clear that JL(T(J)). To show that L(T(J))J, we proceed by contraposition. So assume that JA for some propositional formula A, then there is a finite splitting tree (K,)C and a valuation V on K such that (K,,V)J but (K,,V)A. On the basis of this propositional Kripke model, we will construct a Kripke model MT of set theory and a propositional translation τ such that MAτ. As M is based on the frame (K,)J, it follows that MT(J). Hence, it follows that AL(T(J)).

    As every finite splitting tree can be constructed from its set of leaves by iterating the operation of adding a new root, we can obtain a model of T on the frame (K,) as follows. Find n<ω such that there are at least as many s2n as there are leaves in K; let lsl be an injective map assigning sequences to leaves. Assign the models Msl to the leaves of (K,) and use the extensibility of T to construct a Kripke model M of T with underlying frame (K,). Given vK, let Ev be the set of leaves lv. Then consider the formula

    Now recall that every node v in the finite splitting tree (K,) is characterized by the set Ev and that Mslφsk if and only if l=k. It follows that M, wγv if and only if wv.

    We are now ready to construct the translation τ. Given a propositional letter p, let

    Moreover, τ commutes with the propositional connectives ¬, , and .

    To finish the proof of the theorem, it now suffices to show that M,wτ(p) if and only if wV(p); it then follows by induction that M, wAτ if and only if (K,,V),wA. So assume that M,wτ(p). Equivalently, M,wγv for some vV(p). We have seen that this is equivalent to wv for some vV(p), which, by persistence, holds if and only if wV(p).

    Note that IPC is characterized by the class of finite trees [23, theorem 6.12]. To show that IPC is characterized by the class of finite splitting tress, note that duplicating branches of a tree does not change the formulas satisfied at the root.

    Corollary 4.5.

    Let T be a subclassical recursively enumerable set theory. If T is extensible, then the propositional logic of T is intuitionistic propositional logic IPC, i.e. L(T)=IPC.

    Let us first observe the following helpful fact. Recall that a theory T has the disjunction property whenever Tφψ implies Tφ or Tψ.

    Lemma 4.6.

    If T is an extensible set theory, then T has the disjunction property.


    By contraposition. Assume that Tφ and Tψ, then there are models M0 and M1 of T such that M0φ and M1ψ. Let M be the disjoint union of these models, then M+T as T is extensible. Moreover, persistence implies that M+φψ; hence, Tφψ.

    Lemma 4.7.

    If T is an extensible set theory, then Visser’s rules are admissible in T.


    By lemma 4.6, it is sufficient to show that the following rules Vn are admissible:

    The admissibility of these rules is a standard argument and proceeds as follows by contraposition. For greater readability, we write σA for σ(A) in this proof.

    Let σ:PropLsent be any substitution and assume that Tj=1n+2(i=1n(σAiσBi)σAj), i.e. Ti=1n(σAiσBi)σAj for j=1,,n+2. By Kripke completeness, let Mj be a Kripke model of T with root rj such that Mji=1n(σAiσBi)σAj. In this situation, we can assume without loss of generality that Mj,rji=1n(σAiσBi), but Mj,rjσAj.

    Now, let M be the disjoint union Mj|j=1,,n+2 of the models. As T is extensible, consider a model M+ extending M with a new root r such that M+T. By persistence, rσAj for all j=1,,n+2. Hence, rσAiσBi for all i=1,,n, but rσAn+1σAn+2. Hence, Ti=1n(σAiσBi)(An+1σAn+2).

    We may conclude that the rule Vn is admissible in T.

    The following theorem is a direct consequence of corollary 4.5, lemma 4.7 and theorem 2.13.

    Theorem 4.8.

    Let T be a subclassical recursively enumerable set theory. If T is extensible, then the admissible rules of T are exactly those of IPC, i.e. T=IPC.

    Finally, the following corollary is immediate from theorem 4.4.

    Corollary 4.9.

    Let T be a subclassical recursively enumerable extensible set theory, and φ be a sentence in the language of set theory. If φ is T-extensible, then L(T+φ)=IPC.

    In conclusion, the axiom of choice (AC) is not IZFR extensible.

    Question 4.10.

    Is the axiom of choice CZF extensible?

    (b) Extensible set theories

    In this section, we assume the existence of a proper class of inaccessible cardinals (see remark 4.17). We will prove the extension property for a variety of constructive set theories by providing one particular construction for extending a given model. This construction is an adaptation of Passmann’s [15] blended models. A Kripke model for set theory is a first-order Kripke model of the form (K,,{Dv}vK,{fvw}vwKand{Ev}vK), where {Dv}vK is a collections of domains, {fvw}vwK is a collection of transition functions between domains, and {Ev}vK is a collection of interpretations of the ‘’-predicate. Note that the Dv are assumed to be sets. Of course, the transition functions and interpretations satisfy the usual coherence conditions (for more details see, e.g. [17]).

    Definition 4.11.

    Let M=(K,,{Dv}vK,{fvw}vwK,{Ev}vK) be a Kripke model of set theory. The extended model M+=(K+,,{Dv}vK+,{fvw}vwK+,{Ev}vK+) is defined as follows:


    Let rK, the so-called new root. Then extend K and as follows:

    K+=K{r} and rv for all vK+.


    The domains Dv for vK are already given. The domain Dr at the new root is defined inductively as follows:




    Drα consists of functions x with dom(x)=K+ such that:




    x(v)Dv for all vK,


    if yx(r), then y(v)Evx(v) for all vK,


    if v,wK with vw, then x(w)=fvw(x(v)).


    Dr=ακDrα, where κ is the least inaccessible cardinal κ>|K|+vK|Dv|.


    The membership relation Ev at vK are already defined; at the new root r, define by yErx if and only if yx(r)


    The transition functions fvw:DvDw are already defined for v,wK with vw. Given vK, define frv:DrDv by frv(x)=x(v).

    To help the reader digest this construction, we will give a simple example and provide some general intuition for the construction. Let M be any classical model for set theory. In other words, M is a one-point Kripke model; call its single point v. The extended model M+ has then a new root r. An element of the root Dr—a set at the root—is a function x with domain {r,v} such that x(r)Dr and x(v)Dv. Moreover, if yx(r), then y(v)x(v). Intuitively, a set x at node r may thus already contain some elements at the root r but may also collect new elements when transitioning to v. Another way to think of this construction idea is as adding a new root whose elements are approximations of the sets already existing in the model we are starting from.

    The next step is to observe that many set-theoretical axioms are extensible. For convenience, we abbreviate the axioms of extensionality, empty set, pairing and union with Ext, Emp, Pair and Un, respectively.

    Theorem 4.12.

    The following axioms and axiom schemes are Ext-extensible: extensionality, empty set, pairing, union, -induction, separation and Δ0-separation, power set, replacement and exponentiation. Moreover, the axiom of strong infinity is {Ext,Emp,Pair,Un}-extensible.


    We will prove all statements of the theorem by assuming that a model M satisfies the relevant axiom or scheme and then show that the extended model M+ satisfies them as well.

    For extensionality, let x,yDr. For the non-trivial direction, assume that rz(zxzy). By persistence and extensionality in M, we have vx=y for every vM; hence, x(v)=y(v) for all vM. To see that also x(r)=y(r), observe that zx(r) if and only if zErx(r). By assumption, the latter is equivalent to zEry(r), which holds if and only if zy(r). In conclusion, y(r)=x(r).

    For the empty set axiom, let ev be the unique (by extensionality) witness for the empty set axiom at vK. Define a function e with domain K+ such that e(v)=ev for eK and e(r)=; by uniqueness, e is defined, and it follows that eDr. To see that e witnesses the empty set axiom, let xDr. We have to show that r¬xe. For this, it suffices to show that for all vr, vxe, but this is trivially true as e(r) is empty and ev is the empty set for all vK.

    For the pairing axiom, let x, yDr. By pairing and extensionality in M, there is a unique pvDv such that vz(zpvz=x(v)z=y(v)) for all vK. Define p to be the function with domain K+ such that p(r)={x,y} and p(v)=pv for all vK. Clearly, pDr is defined by uniqueness of the pv. To see that p indeed witnesses the pairing axiom, observe that, clearly, rxp and ryp. Moreover, if rzp, then it follows by definition of p that rz=xz=y.

    For the union axiom, let xDr. As mentioned earlier, by extensionality and the union axiom in M, we can find a unique witness uv such that vuv=x(v) for every vK. Then define a function u with domain K+ such that u(v)=uv for all vK and u(r)={y(r)|yx(r)}. To verify that indeed uDr, note that yu(r) implies that there is some zx(r) such that yz(r). Now by y,zDr, we know that vy(v)z(v)z(v)x(v), so, clearly, vy(v)u(v). It is now a straightforward computation to see that u witnesses the union axiom at r.

    Regarding -induction, suppose for contradiction that rx(yxφ(y)φ(x))xφ(x). Then there is some vr such that vx(yxφ(y)φ(x)) but vxφ(x). As M satisfies -induction, it must be that v=r, and so by persistence M+x(yxφ(y)φ(x)). By -induction in M, Mxφ(x), so all failures of this instance of -induction must happen at the new root r. Thus, as rxφ(x), it follows that there is some x0Dr such that rφ(x0). Using the antecedent of -induction, this means that there must be some x1Dr such that rx1x0 and rφ(x1). Iterating this construction, we obtain a sequence {xn}nω such that xn+1xn(r). This straightforwardly gives rise to an infinitely decreasing -chain. A contradiction.

    Next, we consider the separation axiom. Let xDr and φ(y) be a formula, possibly with parameters. Now, for every vK, let sv be the unique result of separating from x(v) with φ and parameters p¯(v) at node v. With persistence and extensionality, it follows that the function s with domain K+ such that s(v)=sv and s(r)={yx(r)|rφ(y,p¯)} is a well-defined element of Dr; if α is the least such that xDrα, then it is easy to see that xDrα+1. It follows straightforwardly from the definition of s that it witnesses separation from x with φ at r: rzs is equivalent to zs(r), and the latter holds by definition if and only if rφ(z,p¯). Note that the proof of Δ0-separation schema is a special case of the proof for the separation schema.

    For the power set axiom, consider xDr and let β<κ such that xDrβ. If yDr such that ryx, then y(r)x(r), and hence, yDrβ as well. Let p(r) consist of those yDr such that rz(zyzx), then p(r)Drβ. Moreover, let p(v) be the unique element of Dv such that vp(v)=P(x(v)) (using extensionality). By persistence, p is a well-defined element of Dr. It is then straightforward to check that p is the power set of x at r.

    For replacement, let xDr and φ be a formula (potentially with parameters) such that ryx!zφ(y,z). Given this, let a(r) consist of those zDr for which there exists some yDr with rφ(y,z). Moreover, let a(v) be the witness for applying replacement with φ on x(v) at v. By inaccessibility of κ and persistence in M+, it follows that aDr. As in the previous cases, it is now straightforward to check that a witnesses replacement.

    For exponentiation, let a,bDr. Let z(r) be the set of functions from a to b at r, and let z(v) be the set of functions from a(v) to b(v) at the node v. It follows that zDr, and it is easy to check that z witnesses the exponentiation axiom.

    Recall that the axiom of strong infinity asserts the existence of a least inductive set. So, for every vK, let ωvDv be this least inductive set. At the new root r, we recursively construct sets nr as follows: Let 0r be the empty set as defined from the empty set axiom. Then, given nr, use pairing and union, to obtain (n+1)r such that r(n+1)r=nr{nr}. As each ωv is the least inductive set at v, it must be the case that vnr(v)ωv for all vK. Therefore, the set x, defined by x(r)={nr|nω} and x(v)=ωv for vK, is a well-defined set at r, i.e. xDr. By construction, we must have that if ryisinductive, then rxy. Hence, x witnesses strong infinity.

    A combination of theorem 4.12 and lemmas 4.2 and 4.3 yields the next corollary. An application of theorem 4.8 then yields corollary 4.14.

    Corollary 4.13.

    The theories IZFR, CZFER, ECST and BCST are extensible.

    Corollary 4.14.

    The propositional admissible rules of IZFR, CZFER, ECST and BCST are exactly those of IPC. In other words, if T is one of these theories, then T=IPC.

    Remark 4.15.

    It seems difficult to use the aforementioned method to prove that the axiom schemes of collection, strong collection and subset collection are extensible. The reason for this is that these axiom schemes do not require that their witnesses are unique—this is in contrast to their weakened versions, replacement and exponentiation.

    Question 4.16.

    Are the axiom schemes of collection, strong collection and subset collection extensible?

    Remark 4.17.

    It is not strictly necessary to assume the existence of a proper class of inaccessible cardinals as (at least) the following two alternatives are available: Firstly, we could work with Kripke models that have (definable) class domains. Secondly, we could apply the downwards Löwenheim–Skolem theorem (which does hold in our classical metatheory) to work, without loss of generality, only with models with countable domains. In our view, the solution with inaccessible cardinals is the most elegant as it allows us to ignore any worries about size restrictions.

    5. Questions

    We close with a few suggestions for future research.

    Question 5.1.

    Is it the case that HA=IZF?

    In general, one can ask the same question for any two constructive theories T, T of interest.

    Question 5.2.

    Are CZF and IZF extensible?

    Question 5.3.

    Of course, both IZF and CZF can be extended with further axioms. Natural examples of such further axioms include the so-called large set axioms—the constructive counterparts to large cardinal axioms. What are the propositional and first-order logics of extensions of IZF and CZF with further axioms? Also, what are their admissible rules?

    Question 5.4.

    In this article, we gave a first structural analysis of the logical structure by observing the consequences of the extension property. Are there other structural properties of set theories that determine (parts of) the logical structure of a given set theory?

    Question 5.5.

    Let T be a theory. Given a class Γ of set-theoretic formulas, we can obtain the notions of Γ-propositional logic L(T) and Γ-first-order logic QL(T), as well as Γ-admissible rules by restricting to those T-substitutions that arise from T-assignments with domain in Γ. Natural classes to consider are, of course, the classes of the Lévy hierarchy but other cases are thinkable (such as prenex formulas). What are the logics that arise in this way?

    Note, regarding the previous question, that the substitutions used to prove the results in §3 are usually of rather low complexity, e.g. Σ3 or Σ4. Therefore, the question is often only interesting for classes of lower complexity. For instance, Visser [4, sections 3.7–3.9] considers Σ1-substitutions.

    In this article, we have only considered set theories on the basis of intuitionistic logic. Of course, one can also analyse the logical structure of set theories based on other logics. Löwe et al. [24] take some first steps towards an analysis of the logical structure of certain paraconsistent set theories. Another related problem is to determine the provability logics of constructive and intuitionistic set theories.

    6. The classical case

    In this final section, we briefly discuss the logical structure of classical theories. Recall that a logic is post-complete if it has no consistent extension.

    Theorem 6.1.

    Let T be a classical theory. If T is consistent, then T satisfies the de Jongh property for CPC.


    Since T is classical, it must be that CPCL(T). As T is consistent, L(T). Hence, L(T)=CPC as CPC is post-complete.

    The case for first-order logics of a given theory is more complicated as they are not post-complete; Yavorsky [25] proved that expressively strong arithmetical theories T, such as PA, satisfy QL(T)=CQC (see Yavorsky’s paper for definitions and details). Yavorsky also shows that there are classical theories T such that CQCQL(T).

    Theorem 6.2.

    Let T be a classical theory. Then ATB if and only if AL(T)B. Thus, T=L(T)=CPC.


    Theorem 6.1 implies that L(T)=CPC. As is well known, CPC=CPC (a proof can be found in [26]). Thus, the second part of the theorem follows from the first.

    For the first part, the direction from left to right has been proven in theorem 2.11. We treat the other direction. Arguing by contraposition, assume for some propositional formulas A and B that Tρ(A) and Tρ(B) for some substitution ρ from the language of propositional logic to the language of T. We have to show that AL(T)B. Assumption ρ(B) implies that there exists a propositional model M of T and a valuation v such that M,vρ(B). Define a substitution σ in propositional logic as follows:

    σ(p)={if M,vρ(p),if M,vρ(p).
    It is easy to see that for any propositional formula C, the formula σC contains no propositional variables, which implies that σC is equivalent to or to . Therefore,
    L(T)σ(C) or L(T)¬σ(C).6.1
    By using (6.1), it is easy to prove by induction on the propositional formula C that
    Now, since Mρ(B), it follows that L(T)σ(B) from (6.2). On the other hand, since Tρ(A), we must have that Mρ(A), thus (6.2) implies that L(T)σ(A). Therefore, AL(T)B, which is what we had to show.

    In the remainder of this section, we show that the first part of theorem 6.2 can be lifted to the predicate case, at least for theories for which QL(T)=CQC, and the second part cannot. The predicate version of the first part of the previous theorem states that T=CQC and the second part states that CQC=CQC. To show that the first statement is true for theories T such that QL(T)=CQC, we first have to prove that the second statement, while not true, is almost true; we have to show that CQC is almost structurally complete.

    As remarked earlier, CPC is structurally complete, which means that any admissible rule is derivable: for all propositional formulas A and B

    In other words, CPC=CPC (see also Iemhoff [26]).

    It is easy to see that, unlike CPC, CQC is not structurally complete. Consider the formula xP(x)x¬P(x) and observe that for no substitution σ, the formula σ(xP(x)x¬P(x)) is derivable in CQC. For if it were, it would hold in models consisting of one element, quod non. This implies that xP(x)x¬P(x)CQC. And since xP(x)x¬P(x)CQC, this shows that CQC is not structurally complete, i.e. that CQCCQC. However, the admissible rule xP(x)x¬P(x)CQC has a particular property, it is passive.

    Definition 6.3.

    Admissible rules ATB are called passive if the premise A is not unifiable, i.e. Tσ(A) for no substitution σ.

    We will show that the only non-derivable admissible rules in CQC are passive. In the terminology of admissibility: CQC is almost structural complete. This result was first obtained by Pogorzelski and Prucnal [27]. Here, we prove a modest generalization that applies to a class of consequence relations instead of a single one. Recall that a rule A/B is derivable in CQC if AB, where is a consequence relation of CQC, by which we mean a consequence relation that has the same theorems as CQC: A iff A holds in CQC. Thus, strictly speaking, the notion of derivable rule depends on the given consequence relation of CQC, which is why we make it explicit in the discussion below. Since the derivability of a formula does not depend on the consequence relation (because all have the same derivable formulas), we can leave it implicit in such a setting, as in the next lemma, where CQC denotes any consequence relation for CQC.

    Lemma 6.4.

    A formula A is unifiable if and only if there exists a ground substitution τ such that CQCτ(A) and τ(P(s¯))=τ(P(t¯)) for all predicates P and sequences of terms s¯,t¯.


    It suffices to show the direction from left to right. Since A(x¯) is unifiable, there exists a substitution σ such that CQCσ(A), from which it follows that CQCρσ(A) for any ground substitution ρ, as CQC is closed under uniform substitution. Clearly, ρσ is a ground substitution too. That ρσ satisfies the second part of the lemma follows immediately from the definition of substitutions.

    Theorem 6.5.

    Let CQC be a consequence relation for CQC such that C(x¯)CQCx¯C(x¯) for all formulas C. Then ACQCB implies ACQCB for all unifiable formulas A and all formulas B.


    Since A is unifiable, there exists, by lemma 6.4, a ground substitution τ such that τ(A) and τ(P(s¯))=τ(P(t¯)) for all predicates P and sequences of terms s¯,t¯. Firstly, note that this implies that τ(B(s¯))=τ(B(t¯)) for any formula B. Let x¯ be the free variables in A and define a substitution σ as follows:

    σ(Pz¯)={x¯AP(z¯) if τP(z¯),x¯AP(z¯) if τP(z¯).


    For any formula B, we have that

    σ(B){x¯AB if τB,x¯AB if τB.

    Proof of the Claim.

    By induction on B.

    Case B=Pz¯. Trivial. Case B=CD. If τ(CD), then as τ commutes with connectives, we must have that τC and τD, which by the induction hypothesis imply that

    σC(x¯AC) and σD(x¯AD).
    Thus, σ(CD)⊣⊢(x¯AC)(x¯AD)⊣⊢x¯A(CD).

    If τ(CD), then there are three cases.

    Case 1.

    τC and τD. By induction hypothesis, σC(x¯AC) and σD(x¯AD). Thus, σ(CD)(x¯A(CD)).

    Case 2.

    τC and τD. By induction hypothesis, σC(x¯AC) and σD(x¯AD). Thus, we have that


    Case 3.

    τC and τD, analogous to case 2.

    Case B=¬C. If τ(¬C), then since τ commutes with the connectives, we must have that τC, which by induction hypothesis implies that σC⊣⊢x¯AC. Thus,

    If τ(¬C), then τC since τ commutes with the connectives, which by induction hypothesis implies that σC⊣⊢x¯AC. Thus,
    Case B=w¯C(w¯). If τ(w¯C(w¯)), then w¯τ(C(w¯)) follows. Hence, τC(w¯), which by induction hypothesis implies that σC(w¯)⊣⊢x¯AC(w¯). Thus,
    If τ(w¯C(w¯)), then the fact that τ is a substitution implies that τ(w¯C(w¯))w¯τ(C(w¯)), and that it is a ground substitution that τC(w¯) for some w¯. By the observation made in the first paragraph of the proof, τC(w¯) is equivalent to τC(s¯) for any sequence of terms s¯. Thus, σC(w¯)⊣⊢x¯AC(w¯) by the induction hypothesis, which implies

    This proves the claim.

    Now, since τA, we know by the claim that σA(x¯)(x¯A(x¯)A). But x¯A(x¯)A, thus σA. Since ACQCB, we have that σB.

    By the claim, it is easy to see that x¯A(x¯)σBB. By assumption ACQCx¯A(x¯), we obtain that AB.

    Corollary 6.7.

    CQC is almost structurally complete with respect to any consequence relation that satisfies the constraint in theorem 6.5.

    Corollary 6.8.

    For any classical theory T such that QL(T)=CQC: ATB if and only if ACQCB, i.e. T=CQC.


    The assumption QL(T)=CQC gives ATB implies ACQCB by theorem 2.11. For the other direction, assume that ACQCB. If A is unifiable in CQC, then ACQCB by theorem 6.5. Hence, ATB and thus ATB. If A is not unifiable in CQC, then it suffices to show that A is not unifiable in T. For this implies that ATC for any C, and thus, ATB would follow. Arguing by contradiction, suppose A is unifiable in T, say TσA for some substitution σ. Then for any ground substitution τ, TτσA, and as QL(T)=CQC, this implies CQCτσA, contradicting the assumption that A is not unifiable in CQC.

    Data accessibility

    This article has no additional data.

    Authors' contributions

    R.I.: funding acquisition, investigation, methodology, writing—original draft and writing—review and editing; R.P.: funding acquisition, investigation, methodology, project administration, writing—original draft and writing—review and editing.

    Both authors gave final approval for publication and agreed to be held accountable for the work performed therein.

    Conflict of interest declaration

    We declare we have no competing interests.


    The first author gratefully acknowledges support by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (grant no. 639.073.807) and by the MOSAIC project (EU H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 Project no. 101007627). The research of the second author was partially funded by a doctoral scholarship of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German Academic Scholarship Foundation).


    We would like to thank two anonymous reviewers for their very helpful comments.


    One contribution of 11 to a theme issue ‘Modern perspectives in Proof Theory’.

    Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited.