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Combined cultivation and single-cell approaches to the phylogenomics of nucleariid amoebae, close relatives of fungi

Luis Javier Galindo

Luis Javier Galindo

Unité d'Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, AgroParisTech, 91400 Orsay, France

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Guifré Torruella

Guifré Torruella

Unité d'Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, AgroParisTech, 91400 Orsay, France

[email protected]

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David Moreira

David Moreira

Unité d'Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, AgroParisTech, 91400 Orsay, France

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Yana Eglit

Yana Eglit

Department of Biology, and Centre for Comparative Genomics and Evolutionary Bioinformatics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Alastair G. B. Simpson

Alastair G. B. Simpson

Department of Biology, and Centre for Comparative Genomics and Evolutionary Bioinformatics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Purificación López-García

Purificación López-García

Unité d'Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, AgroParisTech, 91400 Orsay, France

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    Nucleariid amoebae (Opisthokonta) have been known since the nineteenth century but their diversity and evolutionary history remain poorly understood. To overcome this limitation, we have obtained genomic and transcriptomic data from three Nuclearia, two Pompholyxophrys and one Lithocolla species using traditional culturing and single-cell genome (SCG) and single-cell transcriptome amplification methods. The phylogeny of the complete 18S rRNA sequences of Pompholyxophrys and Lithocolla confirmed their suggested evolutionary relatedness to nucleariid amoebae, although with moderate support for internal splits. SCG amplification techniques also led to the identification of probable bacterial endosymbionts belonging to Chlamydiales and Rickettsiales in Pompholyxophrys. To improve the phylogenetic framework of nucleariids, we carried out phylogenomic analyses based on two datasets of, respectively, 264 conserved proteins and 74 single-copy protein domains. We obtained full support for the monophyly of the nucleariid amoebae, which comprise two major clades: (i) Parvularia–Fonticula and (ii) Nuclearia with the scaled genera Pompholyxophrys and Lithocolla. Based on these findings, the evolution of some traits of the earliest-diverging lineage of Holomycota can be inferred. Our results suggest that the last common ancestor of nucleariids was a freshwater, bacterivorous, non-flagellated filose and mucilaginous amoeba. From the ancestor, two groups evolved to reach smaller (Parvularia–Fonticula) and larger (Nuclearia and related scaled genera) cell sizes, leading to different ecological specialization. The Lithocolla + Pompholyxophrys clade developed exogenous or endogenous cell coverings from a Nuclearia-like ancestor.

    This article is part of a discussion meeting issue ‘Single cell ecology’.

    1. Introduction

    Nucleariids are non-flagellated, free-living, phagotrophic filose amoebae [1]. 18S rRNA gene molecular phylogenies placed Nuclearia as a deep branch within the opisthokonts [2,3], particularly as sister clade to fungi [4,5], as subsequently corroborated by phylogenomic analyses [6,7]. They are thus part of the Holomycota (Nucletmycea), the opisthokont lineage containing fungi and its relatives [8]. The last opisthokont common ancestor probably was a phagotrophic cell with a single flagellum and polarized cell shape, a feature that is shared with the deepest-branching fungi and their aphelid [9] and rozellid [10] relatives [11]. Therefore, nucleariids underwent substantial evolutionary change from that ancestor which we need to understand to infer the global evolutionary history of Holomycota, including key biological traits such as the fungal multicellularity [12] or the transition to parasitism [13].

    So far, only a few studies of nucleariid species are available, including some morphological descriptions [1,1416] and molecular phylogenetic studies [25,1720]. Nevertheless, many incertae sedis species await molecular characterization [2125]. Historically, owing to the lack of clear external features distinguishable under optical microscopy, nucleariids have been assigned to a variety of amoeboid taxa [26,27]. Nuclearia Cienkowski, 1865, is the most commonly observed and characterized genus [1,28,29]. Until the late twentieth century, this genus was associated with other naked filose amoebae in several different and conflicting taxonomies [8,30,31]. Patterson, using transmission electron microscopy data, separated nucleariids from other filose amoebae, united distinct genera (e.g. Nuclearella Frenzel, 1897; Nuclearina Frenzel, 1897, Nucleosphaerium Cann and Page, 1979) into Nuclearia, clarified its systematics [1,14], and confirmed its relationship with Vampyrellidium perforans [16,32] (not to be confused with the cercozoan Vampyrella [33]) and the scale-bearing filose amoeba Pompholyxophrys [15]. It was further proposed that other silica-scaled amoebae with a secreted silica-mineral coat composed of silicified particles (i.e. idiosomes), like Pinaciophora and Rabdiophrys (not to be confused with the centrohelid Raphidiophrys [34]) were related to Nuclearia [19,20,22,25,33]. In agreement with Patterson, Page grouped Nuclearia and Pompholyxophrys inside the Cristidiscoidida [35]. Later, Mikrjukov suggested that Elaeorhanis [36] and Lithocolla [37], two scaled filose amoebae with coats composed of aggregated exogenous material (i.e. xenosomes), were also related to nucleariids [22] and claimed priority of the name Rotosphaerida over Cristidiscoidea to group all nucleariid amoebae [38]. Since then, molecular phylogeny analyses have placed Fonticula [5,26,39] and Parvularia [20,40] together with Nuclearia as a sister clade to the rest of Holomycota, although the 18S rDNA gene marker could not resolve the internal relationships between nucleariid clades.

    To solve some of these uncertainties, we sampled putative nucleariid species from freshwater and marine environments, including naked (Nuclearia sp.) and scale-bearing (Pompholyxophrys sp. and Lithocolla sp.) amoebae. We obtained molecular data using traditional culturing and single-cell genomic techniques and inferred a robust phylogenetic framework that leads to an improved understanding of the biodiversity of these organisms and a clarification of the systematics of the whole nucleariid clade.

    2. Methods

    (a) Biological material

    Lithocolla globosa (electronic supplementary material, figure S1) was isolated from a marine sediment sample from Splitnose Point near Ketch Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada (44.477 N, 63.541 W) and grown in culture with Navicula pseudotenelloides NAVIC33 as food source. Single Lithocolla cells were micromanipulated with an Eppendorf PatchMan NP2 micromanipulator using a 110 µm VacuTip microcapillary (Eppendorf) in an inverted microscope Leica Dlll3000 B, cells were washed in clean water drops before storing them into individual tubes. Pompholyxophrys cells (electronic supplementary material, figure S2) were collected from a freshwater lake near Zwönitz, Germany both by manual micromanipulation and by using the previously described equipment into tubes in sets of 20–30 cells or as single cells (without washing steps when manually collected) [41]. Both Nuclearia delicatula and Nuclearia thermophila (electronic supplementary material, figure S3) were isolated from the mixed freshwater culture JP100 from Sciento (UK) maintained with Oscillatoria-like filamentous cyanobacteria, and with the presence of Poterioochromonas-like (stramenopile) and Echinamoeba-like (amoebozoan) contaminants (electronic supplementary material, figure S3A–D). Nuclearia thermophila was isolated by micromanipulation (using previously cited equipment) from the initial JP100 culture. Individual Nuclearia pattersoni XT1 cells were collected after washing steps using the previously described micromanipulator equipment from the intestine of a dissected Xenopus tropicalis tadpole grown in the laboratory.

    (b) DNA and RNA purification, 18S rRNA gene amplification and sequencing

    To assess the identity of our nucleariid amoebae, we first obtained 18S rRNA gene sequences from cultures and single-cell isolates by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using distinct combinations of primers 82F (5′-GAAACTGCGAATGGCTC-3′), 612F (5′-GCAGTTAAAAAGCTCGTAGT-3′), 1379R (5′-TGTGTACAAAGGGCAGGGAC-3′) and 1498R (5′-CACCTACGGAAACCTTGTTA-3′). Amplicon cloning was performed with the TOPO-TA cloning kit (Invitrogen) following the instructions of the manufacturers. RNA was purified from the cultures of N. delicatula, N. thermophila, the mixed culture of L. globosa and its food Navicula sp. using the kit RNeasy Micro (Qiagen, Venlo, The Netherlands) including a DNAse treatment. In addition, whole transcriptome amplification (WTA) and whole genome amplification (WGA) of micromanipulated single cells was carried out using REPLI-g WTA/WGA Kits (Qiagen) for N. pattersoni, L. globosa and Pompholyxophrys. For a batch of 20 Pompholyxophrys cells, DNA was first released with the PicoPure DNA extraction kit (Applied Biosystems) and then WGA was performed (table 1). Paired-end sequences were obtained by polyA RNAseq or Nextera library construction and sequencing was performed with an Illumina HiSeq SBS Kit v4 2500 2 × 125 bp by Eurofins Genomics (Ebersberg, Germany) or by the Centre Nacional d'Anàlisi Genòmica (CNAG, Barcelona, Spain) for the Nextera libraries.

    Table 1. List of protist single-cells/culture samples, sequence statistics and number of phylogenetic markers retrieved from genome/transcriptome datasets. (WTA stands for whole transcriptome amplification and WGA for whole genome amplification.)

    cell/culture identifier DNA/RNA (culture or few/single-cell) read-pairs yield (Gb) GBE 264 markers (%) SCPD 74 markers (%) individual species assemblies
    no. of contigs/ scaffolds no. of proteins no. of ‘clean’ proteins GBE 264 markers (%) SCPD 74 markers (%)
    L. globosa MK547176
     culture SnPLi with Navicula RNAseq (culture) 41 033 000 23 854 199 (75.37) 60 70 737 72 580 9277 211 (79.92) 65 (87.83)
     LG140, LG144, LG145 WGA (few-cells) 77 313 319 15 462 35 (13.25) 27
     LG147 WTA (single-cell) 37 212 410 18 681 81 (30.68) 24
    N. pseudotenelloides
     NAVIC33 culture RNAseq (culture) 44 463 054 13 428 36 618 3350
    Pompholyxophrys sp. MK547174
     LG126 WGA (single-cell) 73 107 816 14 621 3 (1.13) 1 (1.34) 86 851 39 399 1094 82 (31.06) 19 (25.67)
     LG130 WTA (single-cell) 37 135 207 18 642 80 (30.3) 18 (24.32)
    P. punicea MK547175
     LG129 WTA (single-cell) 39 500 923 19 829 125 (47.34) 31 (41.89) 227 098 82 091 3121 144 (54.54) 34 (45.94)
     20cellsWGA WGA (few-cells) 47 517 660 23 854 36 (13.63) 9 (12.16)
     LG127 WGA (single-cell) 68 532 623 13 706 0 0 2356
    N. pattersoni XT1 MK547179
     XT1 WTA (single-cell) 7 062 454 4237 33 (12.5) 0 453 169 41 060
    N. delicatula JP100 MK547177
     culture JP100 contaminated with other eukaryotes RNAseq (culture) 83 127 257 10 390 234 (88.63) 59 (79.72) 56 177 54 191
    N. thermophila JP100 MK547178
     culture JP100 cleaned Sep/Nov RNAseq (culture) 128 552 236 32 139 251 (95.07) 72 (97.29) 70 205 65 150

    (c) Molecular data assembly, decontamination and annotation

    Reads were screened with FastQC [42] before and after quality/Illumina adapter trimming with Trimmomatic v0.33 [43] in paired-end mode with the following parameters: ILLUMINACLIP:adapters.fasta:2:30:10 LEADING:20 TRAILING:20 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:28. Resulting reads were assembled with SPAdes 3.9.1 [44]. To predict protein sequences, we co-assembled the L. globosa dataset and sequences from the two Pompholyxophrys species (P. sp. and P. punicea), after verifying that they belonged to the same species by 18S rRNA gene phylogenetic analyses. Two co-assembly rounds were performed before and after decontamination by BlobTools v0.9.19 [45]. In the case of Lithocolla, the predicted Navicula proteome was used to further eliminate sequences from its prey using BLASTp [46]. Decontaminated predicted protein sequences were obtained using Transdecoder v2 ( with default parameters and Cd-hit v4.6 [47] with 100% identity. Proteins were annotated with the EggNOG v4.5 [48] database with DIAMOND as mapping mode, and the taxonomic scope to adjust automatically (table 1). We have deposited the new nucleariid 18S rRNA gene sequences in GenBank with accession numbers MK547173–MK547179, and Pompholyxophrys bacterial endosymbionts 16S rRNA gene sequences with accession numbers MK616425–MK616429. Transcriptome and genome sequence data have been submitted to NCBI SRA under the Bioproject PRJNA517920. Decontaminated predicted proteins, phylogenetic datasets and trees have been deposited in Figshare [49].

    (d) 18S and 16S rRNA gene phylogenies

    We compiled the 18S rRNA gene sequences included in three previous studies of nucleariids, including environmental sequences [20,50,51], and aligned them with our newly obtained sequences. We generated a dataset of 207 sequences and 1756 bp. For bacterial endosymbionts, we used the 16S rRNA gene sequences of Nuclearia sp. endosymbionts identified in the previous study [28] as queries to find homologues by BLASTn [46] in all nucleariid assemblies (Parvularia, 2 Nuclearia and 2 Fonticula species). Selected sequences of potential endosymbionts along with their closest BLAST hits were included in phylogenetic trees to have representatives of closely related bacteria. We worked with three datasets, one complete dataset of 100 sequences and 1503 bp, and two subsets of this first dataset for the Chlamydiae group (18 sequences and 1454 bp) and the Rickettsiales group (26 sequences and 1390 bp). All alignments were made using MAFFT v7 [52]. Trimming of the alignment was performed manually for the 18S rRNA gene sequences and with TrimAl in automated1 mode [53] for the 16S rRNA gene sequences.

    Maximum-likelihood (ML) phylogenetic trees were inferred using IQTree v1.6 [54]. For the 18S rRNA gene ML trees, the GTR + R8 + F0 evolutionary model was used to assess branch support with 1000 ultrafast bootstraps (UFBS), single branch tests SH-like approximate likelihood ratio test based on the Shimodaira-Hasegawa (SH) algorithm for tree comparison [55] and approximate Bayes test [56]. In addition, 1000 non-parametric bootstraps [57] were obtained with the TIM3 + F + I + G4 model as the best-fitting one based on the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) from ModelFinder [58]. For the 16S rRNA gene ML trees, the best fit model chosen by BIC [59] was the GTR model (for the complete dataset and for the Rickettsiales dataset) and the TIM3 model (for the Chlamydiae dataset) both with F + I + G4. Bayesian inference (BI) phylogenies were inferred using MrBayes v3.2.6 [60]. For both the 16S and 18S rRNA gene BI trees, the GTR + G + I model was used, with four Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) chains for 1 000 000 generations, sampling every 100 trees and burn-in of the first 2500 saved trees.

    (e) Phylogenomic analyses

    Two distinct datasets, a dataset modified from Mikhailov et al. [9,61] (dataset GBE: 264 protein alignments) and Torruella et al. [9] (dataset SCPD: 74 single-copy domains) were updated with data from seven new nucleariid species. For both datasets, orthologues were identified by tBLASTn, aligned with MAFFT v7 and trimmed with TrimAl with the automated1 option. Alignments were visualized and manually edited with Geneious v6.0.6 and single gene trees obtained with FastTree v2.1.7 [62] with default parameters. Single gene trees were then manually checked and corrected for paralogous and/or contaminating sequences. All datasets were assembled into a supermatrix with from the package Barrel-o-Monkeys [63]. Resulting matrices were called SCPD21_23481aa and GBE22_97918aa. No orthologous markers were retrieved for N. pattersoni XT1 in the SCPD dataset. For both datasets, BI phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using PhyloBayes-MPI v1.5 [64] under the CAT-Poisson model, two MCMC chains for each dataset were run for greater than 15 000 generations, saving one every 10 trees. Analyses were stopped once convergence thresholds were reached after a burn-in of 25% (i.e. maximum discrepancy less than 0.1 and minimum effective size greater than 100 calculated using bpcomp). ML phylogenetic trees were inferred with IQ-Tree v1.6 under the LG + R5 + C60 model. Statistical support was obtained with 1000 UFBS [65] and 1000 replicates of the SH-like approximate likelihood ratio test [56]. All trees were visualized with FigTree [66].

    Fully detailed materials and methods can be found in the electronic supplementary material.

    3. Results and discussion

    (a) Pompholyxophrys and Lithocolla are free-living nucleariid amoebae

    We obtained 18S rRNA gene sequences from two cultures of Nuclearia (N. delicatula JP100 and N. thermophila JP100), one single cell from another Nuclearia species (N. pattersoni XT1), two single cells and one few cells (20 cells) from Pompholyxophrys species and one culture of L. globosa (table 1 and the electronic supplementary material). This represents the first molecular data for both Pompholyxophrys and Lithocolla. We included our new sequences in a large 18S rRNA gene dataset containing all available nucleariid sequences. Phylogenetic analyses of this dataset confirmed the monophyly of Nuclearia species and their relationship with the environmental sister clade NUC-1, whereas the environmental clade NUC-2 was sister to the Parvularia clade (figure 1 and electronic supplementary material, figure S4A–C) [20]. Fonticula alba exhibited a long branch sister to the group containing the Pompholyxophrys and Lithocolla sequences. This group also contained several environmental sequences originally called marine fonticulids [19] but recent metabarcoding studies [45,46] have found freshwater representatives intermixed with the marine ones. The morphology and behaviour of Lithocolla cells in culture strongly resemble Nuclearia (electronic supplementary material, figure S1). Also its exogenous aggregative cell covering suggests a higher similarity to naked Nuclearia than to Pompholyxophrys [22]. However, our results support a closer phylogenetic relationship of Pompholyxophrys and Lithocolla as compared to Nuclearia (figure 1). Nevertheless, the internal topology of this large Pompholyxophrys–Lithocolla group, which additionally encompasses two large clades of environmental sequences (with currently not known representative species), remains unclear. This is probably owing to the limited signal of the 18S rRNA marker at this level of resolution.

    Figure 1.

    Figure 1. (a) ML phylogenetic tree of nucleariid 18S rRNA gene sequences. The tree was reconstructed from an alignment of 1756 nucleotide positions of 207 sequences, including the three Nuclearia, three Pompholyxophrys and one L. globosa sequences obtained in this study as well as all nucleariid sequences available in GenBank with the GTR + R8 model. Major groups were collapsed (the complete tree is shown in the electronic supplementary material, figure S4A). Statistical supports are Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) obtained under the GTR + G + I model on the left and ML ultrafast bootstrap (UFBS) on the right. Branches with support values higher or equal to 0.99 PP and 95% UFBS are indicated by black dots. Clades without known representatives are indicated with a question mark. The number of sequences is shown in parenthesis and the number of sequences obtained in this study is shown in red brackets. (bd) From left to right optical microscopy images of L. globosa, P. punicea and N. thermophila JP100. Scale bars are 20, 10 and 5 µm, respectively. (Online version in colour.)

    Although some Nuclearia have been found in brackish water [1], all published environmental sequences clustering with Nuclearia come from soil or freshwater systems (as deduced from sequence metadata deposited in GenBank) and Parvularia, as Nuclearia, seems to be exclusively freshwater. Pompholyxophrys has also been found only in freshwater systems [15,22] but it is sister to a clade of marine environmental sequences (figure 1 and electronic supplementary material, figure S4A–C). Although our Lithocolla sequence clustered within an exclusively marine clade, this genus has been observed also in freshwater environments [37].

    Nuclearia species are capable of growing in eutrophic and/or contaminated environments. For example, they can ingest toxic filamentous cyanobacteria that can thrive in perturbed environments as their sole food source [29,41]. This capability appears to be related to their association with symbiotic bacteria that degrade toxic metabolites, as microcystin, contained in the cyanobacteria ingested by Nuclearia [28,29,67]. Our N. pattersoni single cell was recovered by micromanipulation from the gut content of a dissected X. tropicalis tadpole grown in the laboratory. When collected, this cell was alive and moving, suggesting that it was a commensal in the amphibian gut. In agreement with this idea, N. pattersoni was originally described from fish gills [17]. Whether Nuclearia maintains preferential ecological interactions with metazoans or not remains to be determined. By contrast, multiple observations suggest that Pompholyxophrys species, as many other silica-based scale-bearing amoebae, are free-living and develop in clear freshwater bodies, wet Sphagnum moss, and peat bogs [68,69].

    (b) Endosymbiotic bacteria in nucleariids

    Single-cell approaches allowed us to examine an important ecological aspect of these amoebae, namely their relationships with intracellular bacteria. Bacterial endosymbionts have been previously observed in nucleariids [31], with the first molecular data coming from a Rickettsia endosymbiont in N. pattersoni [17] and the gammaproteobacterium Candidatus Endonucleobacter rarus in N. thermophila [67]. Dirren and Posch [28] characterized several bacterial endosymbionts in different species and strains of N. thermophila and N. delicatula. They observed that the specificity of the symbiosis might vary depending on the host Nuclearia species. In some cases, the same endosymbiont species was found in the same host (N. thermophila) from different places, but in other cases, the same host (N. delicatula) may harbour different endosymbionts.

    We generated four single/few-cell transcriptomes (SCT) and four single/few-cells genomes (SCG) for Lithocolla, Pompholyxophrys and Nuclearia (table 1), and using as a reference the bacterial endosymbiont 16S rRNA gene dataset from Dirren and Posch [28], we searched for endosymbiotic candidate species. However, we not only searched in our SCTs/SCGs but also in our RNAseq data and in all other nucleariid data available in public databases (Parvularia, two Fonticula species and two Nuclearia species).

    We retrieved 13 bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences, five of which branched together with well-known bacterial intracellular lineages (figure 2; electronic supplementary material, figure S5). These sequences were only found in the Pompholyxophrys assemblies, including two SCTs (Pompholyxophrys LG126 and LG127) and one SCG from P. punicea (20-cells WGA).

    Figure 2.

    Figure 2. ML phylogenetic tree of 16S rRNA genes showing likely nucleariid bacterial endosymbionts (in bold). (a) Chlamydiae tree including one sequence from Pompholyxophrys sp. LG126 (2) and inferred under the TIM3 + F + I + G4 model using 1454 conserved nucleotide positions. (b) Rickettsiales tree including four sequences obtained in this study and inferred under the GTR + F + I + G4 model using 1390 conserved nucleotide positions. Statistical supports shown are Bayesian PP obtained under GTR + G + I on the left and ML UFBS on the right. Endosymbiont hosts are indicated in parenthesis.

    One of these bacterial sequences (Pompholyxophrys sp. LG126 (2)) branched within the Chlamydiae (figure 2a), along with sequences of known bacterial endosymbionts of the amoebae Acanthamoeba sp. and Hartmannella vermiformis. The other four sequences branched within the Rickettsiales (figure 2b). Pompholyxophrys punicea LG127 seemed to harbour two different Rickettsia-like endosymbionts. One of them, LG127 (1), branched within a clade of Rickettsia species endosymbionts of different hosts, including metazoans and, interestingly, N. pattersoni [70]. The second sequence LG127 (2) and a second sequence from Pompholyxophrys sp. LG126 (1) were identical. The last endosymbiont candidate sequence came from the P. punicea 20-cells WGA assembly and, although clearly branching within the Rickettsiales, had no close relatives. Thus, the same endosymbiont can be found in different cells from the same natural sample, as in the case of Pompholyxophrys sp. LG126 (1) and LG127 (2). Conversely, different endosymbionts can coexist in the same cell as well, as seen in P. punicea LG127 (1 and 2), in this case belonging to the same bacterial clade of Rickettsiales. A single cell can also harbour endosymbionts from phylogenetically distant groups as seen in Pompholyxophrys sp. LG126 (1 and 2), containing representatives of Chlamydiae and Rickettsiales (figure 2).

    Our results are consistent with the findings of Dirren and Posch [28], showing that symbiont acquisition in nucleariids seems to be rather promiscuous. It is also worth noting that we only found endosymbiont sequences in the Pompholyxophrys assemblies. We could not recover any bacterial sequence from our Nuclearia assemblies, even though we have worked with the same Nuclearia species studied by Dirren and Posch [28]. However, because we only analyzed with Nuclearia transcriptome sequences, we cannot completely discard the presence of endosymbionts.

    (c) Phylogenomic analyses

    To establish a solid phylogenetic framework for nucleariids, and because the 18S rRNA gene has limited resolution power, we generated genome and transcriptome data for several nucleariids (table 1). Although the percentage of orthologue gene markers recovered for the two datasets was low (especially for Pompholyxophrys assemblies) (table 1), we could retrieve a sufficient number of gene marker sequences from our new assemblies for three Nuclearia species, two Pompholyxophrys species and Lithocolla (table 1). We also used publicly available data from two Nuclearia species [7], two Fonticula species [5,71] and Parvularia atlantis [20], adding representative members of other opisthokont lineages as outgroup. With these sequence datasets, we updated two datasets of conserved phylogenetic markers previously used to study the phylogeny of holomycotan clades [9,61]: the GBE dataset (264 proteins) and the SCPD dataset (74 single-copy protein domains—without N. pattersoni XT1 as no gene markers were retrieved for this species) (electronic supplementary material, figures S6A–D). As in the 18S rRNA gene phylogeny, all previously recognized nucleariids (Nuclearia, Fonticula and Parvularia) clustered together with Lithocolla and the two Pompholyxophrys species with maximum support in ML and BI analyses for both datasets, forming a sister clade to other Holomycota (figure 3). However, the relationships between the different genera were not the same as in the 18S rRNA gene tree, in particular regarding the placement of Fonticula. Fonticula appeared as a long branch sister clade to Lithocolla and Pompholyxophrys (with low statistical support) in the 18S rRNA gene tree (figure 1). However, in the phylogenomic analyses, the two Fonticula species clustered with Parvularia with high statistical support (figure 3). All the five Nuclearia species (with the same internal topology as in the 18S rRNA gene tree) clustered with Lithocolla and the two Pompholyxophrys. Thus, two separated clades formed, one containing all Nuclearia species and one containing the scale-bearing Pompholyxophrys and Lithocolla, both with maximum support values.

    Figure 3.

    Figure 3. ML phylogenomic tree based on the GBE protein dataset. The tree was reconstructed using 264 conserved proteins, 22 species and 96 276 conserved amino acid positions with the LG + R5 + C60 model. Upper values correspond to supports obtained from the GBE dataset and lower values to those obtained from the single-copy protein domain (SCPD21; without N. pattersoni XT1) dataset. Bayesian PP under the CAT-Poisson model are shown on the left and ML UFBS supports are shown on the right. Branches with support values higher or equal to 0.99 PP and 95% UFBS are indicated by black dots. Species names in bold correspond to those for which we have obtained transcriptome and/or genome sequences in this study. (Online version in colour.)

    (d) Evolutionary implications

    Our robust phylogenomic tree of nucleariids allows us to discuss the evolutionary history of several nucleariid characters, although molecular data are still missing for genera putatively related to nucleariids, such as Vampyrellidium, Pinaciophora, Elaeorhanis or Rabdiophrys (see the electronic supplementary material for detailed taxonomical discussion).

    The last common ancestor of opisthokonts was probably phagotrophic with amoeboid polarized cell shape and a single flagellum, features that can be found in extant examples such as choanoflagellates [72], pigoraptors [73] or aphelids [9]. All known nucleariids lack flagella, suggesting that the last common ancestor of all nucleariids had already lost the ancestral flagellum. It is also worth mentioning that the nucleariid ancestor probably originated in freshwater environments, as suggested by the 18S rRNA gene tree analysis in which all the basal branches (including environmental clades) are occupied by freshwater lineages. The non-polarized and plastic cell shape surrounded by hyaline pseudopodia (branching filopodia) of nucleariids seems concomitant with the loss of flagella. Although there are few studies on nucleariid biology, cell movement by ‘walking’ on the benthos [29] and planktonic stages with equally radiating filopodia (electronic supplementary material, figures S1–S3) arise as major common features of nucleariids, together with a mucilaginous coat involved in different functions (from encystation to encapsulation of ectosymbionts or scales [1,14,29,67]. Although the current knowledge about this group is limited, we can already speculate about evolutionary patterns regarding cell size, food source, ecological niche and cell-coverings (figure 4). From the last common nucleariid ancestor, two clades evolved, one characterized by smaller cells (Parvularia–Fonticula) and other with larger cells (Nuclearia and scaled nucleariids). These differential cell sizes correlate with different ecological specializations in terms of prey and lifestyle. Parvularia and Fonticula are both exclusively bacterivorous and part of nanoplankton, the first never reaches more than 6 µm [20] and the latter no more than 12 µm [5,39] in size. Fonticula alba, which seems to evolve faster than other nucleariids (see branch lengths in figures 1 and 2), grows better in agar plates than in liquid medium (D. López-Escardó 2017, personal communication), and uses its mucilaginous coat to aggregate cells and form fruiting bodies [74]. Hence, F. alba looks more adapted to soil environments than to the water column preferred by other nucleariids. Although Parvularia and Nuclearia share many common features (justifying the original identification of Parvularia as a nucleariid [20]) Nuclearia cells are much bigger (from approximately 10 up to 60 µm, depending on the life stage and culture conditions [28]; electronic supplementary material, figure S3). Lithocolla (electronic supplementary material, figure S1) and Pompholyxophrys (electronic supplementary material, figure S2) range from 20 to 45 µm [15,23,37]. This microplanktonic (greater than 20 µm) size allows them to feed on filamentous cyanobacteria, algae or even other eukaryotes. Finally, Fonticula, Parvularia and Nuclearia seem very plastic in terms of cell shape, being round, amorphous or extremely elongated. However, cells became less polymorphic in the genera that acquired the capacity to cover themselves either with xenosomes (probably as a by-product of phagocytosis), as in Lithocolla and maybe Elaeorhanis [27] (electronic supplementary material, figure S1, [41]), or with idiosomes, as in Pompholyxophrys (electronic supplementary material, figure S2) and maybe Pinaciophora [25].

    Figure 4.

    Figure 4. Schematic opisthokont phylogeny displaying cellular characteristics of nucleariids (cell size, presence/absence of cell-cover and its nature, lack of flagellated stages, filopodia, and the presence of a glycocalyx and the capacity to aggregate) and their probable ancestral states in some nodes. (Online version in colour.)

    Despite these evolutionary implications, deciphering the evolutionary history of nucleariids will require additional data. Indeed, although nucleariids are a pivotal group at the onset of the Holomycota divergence, they remain an under-sampled group, as suggested by environmental data and the many described and likely related species that still lack molecular data. As most nucleariids lack cultured representatives in the laboratory, single-cell techniques will be an invaluable tool to expand the known diversity of uncultured nucleariids, helping to reconcile genomic information with morphology and ecological features, including the presence and role of ecto- and endo-symbiotic bacteria.

    (e) Culturing versus single-cell genomes/transcriptomes

    In this study, we have used a combination of single-cell techniques (including steps of whole genome/transcriptome amplification) and whole RNA extraction from cultured material (without amplification steps) to sequence genomic material from several nucleariid species. Our SCGs/SCTs obtained after WGA/WTA steps produced different results when blasted against our biggest and most complete multigene dataset (GBE). In the case of Lithocolla, we obtained two single-cell assemblies, one from a few-cells genome amplification (SCG; LG140,144,145) and one from an SCT (SCT; LG147), recovering 30.68% and 13.25% of the GBE dataset proteins, respectively. The SCTs outperformed the SCGs in Lithocolla. In comparison, we recovered 75.37% of the proteins when performing traditional whole RNA extraction and sequencing from a culture.

    In the case of the two Pompholyxophrys species, we only could obtain single/few-cell genomes/transcriptomes, because no cultures were available. Our Pompholyxophrys assemblies displayed different protein recovery percentages ranging from 30 to 47% for the SCTs (LG130 and LG129) and 0 to 13.63% for the SCGs and few-cells genome (LG127, LG126 and 20cellsWGA). Again, the SCTs seemed to outperform the SCGs in terms of protein recovery in this particular case.

    Both SCGs/SCTs proved to be useful to obtain enough data to place Lithocolla and Pompholyxophrys in our multigene phylogeny with strong support. It also allowed us to unveil the hidden diversity in the group, because what initially we thought to be a single Pompholyxophrys species were actually two different species (Pompholyxophrys sp. and P. punicea) as revealed by both 18S rRNA gene and multigene trees.

    Nevertheless, not surprisingly, the best results were obtained after RNA extraction of cultures, e.g. Lithocolla (75.37%), a result that we confirmed for N. delicatula JP100 and N. thermophila JP100, for which we recover 88.63% and 95.07% of the dataset proteins, respectively. Culturing approaches, if achievable, remain the best strategies to produce a high amount of high-quality data. However, most protist species are not easily amenable to culture. Therefore, single-cell ‘omics’, although still far from allowing high or even levels of completeness often allow, as in this particular study, retrieving enough conserved markers to run robust phylogenomic analyses. Further progress in single-cell approaches leading to the retrieval of higher and more homogeneous coverages will hopefully allow more in-depth comparative genomics and population genomics of protists directly sampled from natural communities.

    Data accessibility

    18S and rRNA gene sequences have been deposited in GenBank with accession nos. MK547173–MK547179 and MK616425–MK616429, respectively. Transcriptome and genome sequence data have been submitted to NCBI SRA under the Bioproject PRJNA517920.

    Authors' contributions

    L.J.G., G.T., D.M. and P.L.-G. conceived, coordinated the study and wrote the manuscript. G.T. micromanipulated and obtained Nuclearia, Lithocolla and Navicula RNA. L.J.G. micromanipulated and obtained Lithocolla and Pompholyxophrys DNA and RNA. D.M. micromanipulated and amplified N. pattersoni RNA. S.C. collected freshwater samples and micromanipulated Pompholyxophrys cells. Y.E. isolated, cultured and characterized Lithocolla. E.V. identified and obtained images from Pompholyxophrys. G.T., L.J.G. and D.M. reconstructed 18S and 16S rRNA gene phylogenies. G.T. and L.J.G. assembled genome and transcriptome sequences, cleaned the assemblies, performed phylogenomic analyses and contributed equally to this work. All authors gave final approval for publication.

    Competing interests

    We have no competing interests to declare.


    This work was funded by the European Research Council Advanced Grant ‘ProtistWorld’ (grant no. 322669) and the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN project SINGEK (; grant agreement no. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015-675752). G.T. was financed by the European Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (704566 AlgDates).


    We thank David López-Escardó for help with Nuclearia molecular identification and advice on duplex PCR, John O'Brien for sample collection for Lithocolla, Hélène Timpano and the UNICELL platform for help with single-cell methods, Giselle Walker for help with an unpublished taxonomy of eukaryotes, and the website repositories Microworld, Protist information server, The World of Protozoa and Biodiversity Heritage Library for access to valuable information.


    These authors contributed equally to the study.

    One contribution of 18 to a discussion meeting issue ‘Single cell ecology’.

    Electronic supplementary material is available online at

    Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
