Supplemental Material
rspb20101356supp5.doc (44.0 KB)
rspb20101356supp2.doc (95.0 KB)
rspb20101356supp3.doc (75.0 KB)
rspb20101356supp4.doc (86.0 KB)
rspb20101356supp1.doc (25.0 KB)
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Antonietta Quigg
Department of Marine Biology, Texas A and M University at Galveston, 200 Seawolf Parkway, Galveston, TX 77553, USA
Department of Oceanography, Texas A and M University, 3146 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843, USA
Andrew J. Irwin
Mathematics and Computer Science Department, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada E4L 1E6
Zoe V. Finkel
Environmental Science Program, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada E4L 1A7
Antonietta Quigg
Department of Marine Biology, Texas A and M University at Galveston, 200 Seawolf Parkway, Galveston, TX 77553, USA
Department of Oceanography, Texas A and M University, 3146 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843, USA
Andrew J. Irwin
Mathematics and Computer Science Department, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada E4L 1E6
Zoe V. Finkel
Environmental Science Program, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada E4L 1A7
rspb20101356supp5.doc (44.0 KB)
rspb20101356supp2.doc (95.0 KB)
rspb20101356supp3.doc (75.0 KB)
rspb20101356supp4.doc (86.0 KB)
rspb20101356supp1.doc (25.0 KB)
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