Journal of The Royal Society Interface
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Table of Contents

New articles are published weekly in the latest journal issue, at the top of their section of the Table of Contents. The latest issue closes at the end of the month.

Review articles

Review articles
Biomechanical behaviours of the bone–implant interface: a review
Published:26 July 2019Article ID:20190259

Review articles
Constructing living buildings: a review of relevant technologies for a novel application of biohybrid robotics
Published:26 July 2019Article ID:20190238

Life Sciences–Chemistry interface

Research articles
Coarse-grain simulations on NMR conformational ensembles highlight functional residues in proteins
Published:10 July 2019Article ID:20190075

Life Sciences–Engineering interface

Research articles
Fingerpad contact evolution under electrovibration
Published:26 July 2019Article ID:20190166

Research articles
Statistical properties of defect-dependent detachment strength in bioinspired dry adhesives
Published:26 July 2019Article ID:20190239

Research articles
An investigation of the glycosaminoglycan contribution to biaxial mechanical behaviours of porcine atrioventricular heart valve leaflets
Published:03 July 2019Article ID:20190069

Life Sciences–Mathematics interface

Research articles
The ecological and epidemiological consequences of reproductive interference between the vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus
Published:26 July 2019Article ID:20190270

Research articles
Invariant predictions of epidemic patterns from radically different forms of seasonal forcing
Published:26 July 2019Article ID:20190202

Research articles
Age-structure and transient dynamics in epidemiological systems
Published:26 July 2019Article ID:20190151

Research articles
Relating evolutionary selection and mutant clonal dynamics in normal epithelia
Published:26 July 2019Article ID:20190230

Research articles
Serological inference of past primary and secondary dengue infection: implications for vaccination
Published:26 July 2019Article ID:20190207

Research articles
Evolution of coordinated punishment to enforce cooperation from an unbiased strategy space
Published:24 July 2019Article ID:20190127

Research articles
Multi-sector approximation method for arteries: the residual stresses of circumferential rings with non-trivial openings
Published:24 July 2019Article ID:20190023

Research articles
Model selection and parameter estimation for root architecture models using likelihood-free inference
Published:10 July 2019Article ID:20190293

Research articles
Group formation on a small-world: experiment and modelling
Published:10 July 2019Article ID:20180814

Research articles
Gaussian process emulation to accelerate parameter estimation in a mechanical model of the left ventricle: a critical step towards clinical end-user relevance
Published:03 July 2019Article ID:20190114

Research articles
Full observability and estimation of unknown inputs, states and parameters of nonlinear biological models
Published:03 July 2019Article ID:20190043

Life Sciences–Physics interface

Research articles
The evolution of lying in well-mixed populations
Published:26 July 2019Article ID:20190211

Research articles
Regulation of reaction fluxes via enzyme sequestration and co-clustering
Published:26 July 2019Article ID:20190444

Research articles
Planktonic encounter rates with non-spherical encounter zones
Published:26 July 2019Article ID:20190398

Research articles
Spider silk colour covaries with thermal properties but not protein structure
Published:26 July 2019Article ID:20190199

Research articles
Dynamic instability and migration modes of collective cells in channels
Published:26 July 2019Article ID:20190258

Research articles
The mechanobiology of actin cytoskeletal proteins during cell–cell fusion
Published:24 July 2019Article ID:20190022

Research articles
Hot wings: thermal impacts of wing coloration on surface temperature during bird flight
Published:24 July 2019Article ID:20190032

Research articles
Quenching active swarms: effects of light exposure on collective motility in swarming Serratia marcescens
Published:17 July 2019Article ID:20180960

Research articles
The evolution of polarization in the legislative branch of government
Published:17 July 2019Article ID:20190010

Research articles
How vision governs the collective behaviour of dense cycling pelotons
Published:10 July 2019Article ID:20190197

Research articles
Metabolic activity affects the response of single cells to a nutrient switch in structured populations
Published:10 July 2019Article ID:20190182

Research articles
Bumblebees learn foraging routes through exploitation–exploration cycles
Published:10 July 2019Article ID:20190103

Research articles
Nectar, humidity, honey bees (Apis mellifera) and varroa in summer: a theoretical thermofluid analysis of the fate of water vapour from honey ripening and its implications on the control of Varroa destructor
Published:10 July 2019Article ID:20190048


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